Need protection while me sleep



Some know me, some no know me. Me Cho Ko Nu, Apprentice Trader in Traders Guild of Roskaria. Me receive letter from "Corporate Wizard" and wonder if you receive same invitation. If you receive letter and plan travel soon, me need you help.

Me need "Ward" cast on me sleep area as soon as me get there (with few trusted friends invest in Ward too). Me understand be powerful magic, and me willing pay good price:

Me have skill in making all types of items Adventurers use, except make scrolls (good tribesman no use Elemental magics). Me have greatest skill in make potions as Journeyman potion maker. If cast "Ward" for me, me give you one full Journeyman size batch of potions, whatever you want on next day (me stores low now because me plan re-locate in Gaden soon, so me need make potions). Me understand potions more useful than coin for Celestial casters.

Me hope you help me now, and me can help you now and in future. Be good way make strong ally now.

If many offers, me choose one me trust most with good honor as Ward need be good protection.

-Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader in the Traders Guild of Roskaria

[EDIT: Out-of-Game- Due to the limited space, tents are not going to be allowed, but sections may be able to be Warded off in the sleeping area.]
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Heya, Cho Ko, it's Tarqaq- we've met a few times in passin'. I've got a ward that I'm gonna be plannin' on settin' up there, and you could crash with me if ya need. I'm always up for some company ('specially if you're up for a few games of chance before sleep time). I also have an item that can set up a lesser wizard lock that I wouldn't be invested in, if'fin ya need some more privacy. (Oh, and I also keep an ice bucket with some snacks around my ward if that sounds temptin' as well...) Drop me a line if you're int'rested.

-Tarqaq the Arctic Fox
Thank you for offer Tarqaq, me sent reply.

Me still look for independent Ward if possible. If can cast for me, me still make good trade.

-Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader in the Trader's Guild of Roskaria
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Tribes man should need no ward if you share ground with other tribes men. Last I check a ward did not keep out those who wish you in circle. Tribes honor says if you need ground to sleep I must offer to fellow tribesman. Come share food with me an' Thor, I would like to hear stories of your time with the trees in far land. I like to see how strong you get.


As tribesman, me must honor you hospitality and me spend time with you and we share many stories. Me show you how strong me be now. But me need Ward for protect things other than me person (if me go out of ward, me can come back- even from circle; but if important things leave Ward, they no come back and that be very, very bad for many people), but me no speak more of that here (me already say too much).

-Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader of the Traders Guild of Roskaria
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