Need to borrow


Heya everyone! I was just thinking... I don't have elf ears anymore. Does anyone have a pair and some liquid latex or spirit gum I can borrow?

For that matter, would anyone be willing/able to stop by a store that sells them if they live near a place? Both the ears and the spirit gum :) I would not only repay for the cost of the ears & gum, but for gas, and if you happen to be a caster, 20 or so packets :D

And also, maybe a longsword that I could borrow? :D

Thank you so much!

I might have all three, but my car could be really packed, I'm bringing up a pile of donations with me, and I'm not sure I'll have space for the extra sword. I think my ears are the large ones, you might want the smaller ones. I'll bring them anyways if no one can stop by a costume place for you though (there's not one anywhere near me). I'll let you know about the sword for sure after I know how many people are in my car.