Need to Buy

Drew AGB Co-Owner

Gettysburg Staff
I need to buy a Shield Pys-Rep and Long Sword Pys-Rep for the Low Level Event. Are there any Shield and Weapon Makers out there.

Drew Resele OOG

Rowen IG
Don't know if he's able to for the low-level, but an HQ player made me a shield and longsword which I'm happy with. Username = Koshinara
That would be Will K. :)
That's the dude. If he's still teaming up with a painter, you can get a pretty sweet image painted on your shield.
Ezri said:
That would be Will K. :)
I make weapons and shields as well, but if you can get Will to do it, I know he's a lot better than I am. I'm fairly standard in my equipment crafting, aside from core weight. However, I am coming to the low level event.
Thank you all for the Information. I was able to find someone to make them and have sent them private PM regarding it.

Thanks all
