Needingz zum ztuff fur dis market dayz


I vould like do buyz az manyz endow potions az my friends veel dhey can bringz to market day.
I vill pays up to a zilver a pieze fur deese, an vill be villing to buyz bout tventy or morez if my friendz chooze to give me good deals on da price.

I vill proobably be hardz to find, vell at leest hardz to find around da town. I vill be easy to vind on Luca boat, I am tryingz to see vhat he vill do wit all da money I can lose to heem at cardz.

Alzo eef anyone iz bored I could uze some lezzons in lots ov weapons and stuff, so let me know if you vant to come by for free hooch and couple silver if we ave some teachingz.

Zend me pigeon wit any questionz, I vill have sober crewman on duty write reply.
