Nerds and Soda always go well together...


MtDew did it, and now Jones is.... but I think this group looks cooler.

They look tasty! :ugeek:
I'm starting to wonder how much Wizards is making off the game's productization. I have no problem with it - I'm just curious as to what the ratios are between cards and random promo stuff like this.
Yeah, it's 20 bucks for 12 and almost that much to get them shipped if you can't get them locally, but people will do it.
Atleast this convo isn't about allowing alcohol into the game. Like a certain other group is currently or was currently discussing in their forum. Which makes me shake my head and frown. Anyways how long is Jones soda doing this promotion?
It's gotta taste better than their Thanksgiving Feast Flavors gift pack :mrgreen: .
Oh jeez... please do not mention those foul things! Turkey flavored pop is disgusting. Anyways, I've been scouring the local Targets and can't find them yet, but maybe Byerly's has them. Still a hefty price for pop though.
No clue how long the promotion lasts... I looked.