Nerdy Things I'm getting rid of...


Colorado Staff
I have a stack of 3rd edition GURPS books, nothing wrong with them if you want to run a campaign. Free - but you have to take them all. (3 hardcovers and 6 softcover suppliments)

Magic the Gathering Cards. This probably represents an investment of $500+ dollars. I'm not quite ready to give them away for free, but maybe a trade for something? I know there's a few cards in there worth $25+ (dual lands and other rare cards) and dozens of cards worth $5+ I don't really want to sort through them. None of the cards are from the latest rotation and some of it dates back very early (dozens of them don't even have the coded rare/uncommon/common on them).

Warhammer 40k. Also a pretty hefty investment here. I have space marines, tyrranids, tau. Most of it is in some state of being unusable, as in I either never painted it, never built it, or never even took it off the tree. The stuff I did build is mostly illegal now (space marines carrying plasma rifles and jump packs, for example). I think I have something still in the box, even.

I like LARP stuff (I'd take anything as long as I could donate it to monster camp), board games, miniature painting services, *durable* terrain, Confrontation miniatures, Heroscape stuff, AT-43 miniatures, D&D miniatures, Pathfinder stuff, or possibly even a hand around my yard. Be creative. If you've got stuff to trade, let me know and we can look over it and figure out something fair.

I also have hirst arts molds that I would be willing to loan out to people if you can provide me with some sort of collateral (If I lend you $200 of molds, I want some way of knowing they'll come back to me).

I know I have some other stuff piled away back here, I'll keep adding to the list.