Nero boards

i ike the new look for the main pages but there's a BIG problem with them, when i open them up i can only see about an inch and a half of the screen, the rest of the screen is blocked up by the sides of the page...yuo can pull the sides back to the edges of the screen, but then there's no scroll bar to scroll down... anyone else having this problem?
I'm having a different problem. Only about half the time that I click on one of the links does anything actually come up. The Message board and Gallery links are also coded to come up in the wrong frame, it should probably be altered so that they come up in their own windows. Aside from that, I think it's a good change.
jpariury said:
The message board does not come up in a window for me, it opens up all on its own. What browser are you guys using?

IE, but it works fine from my home was the work computers that were odd.
All of these are known issus, bu I do encourage people to continue to post here. In addtion, the version number of your browser softwae would be v ery helpful. You can find this in help/about on most x86 bowsers

Most of the problems have gone away or have been fixed, now I'm only having the problem that the message board and gallery are opening up in the same window that the nav bar is in. Here's my info:
IE, Version: 6.0.2900.2180xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519
I'm running XP home, also sp2.

Also, all the external links I checked (which certainly isn't all of them, a few on the links page and a few on the directions page) open in the frames that they begin in rather then open in a new window. Also, the Camp Brinkley link is dead. The mailto: link on the staff page that is labeled as goes to daphne, jonno, bryan, and dave, only one of whom is on staff, and none of whom are plot (IIRC Dave.)

While I'm looking through it, the listed site for the Event is TBA, IIRC, it's Miller, and has been booked for some time, yes? Plus, the current design on the event page doesn't leave any space for Event Titles and Event Discriptions. Maybe listing them out in more detail would be a good way to list that, after the initial "bare bones" info.

Oop, there's another one, the mailto link on the bottom of the 'Links' page isn't. That is, there's no mailto: code, it's a link to

Hunting and pecking,