Kauss said:actally I wish we had more PCs selling all that stuff (like me and smithing stuff) the problem with that is 2 fold tho
1) if you have a lot of crafting skills, you have less combat skills and may be seen as weaker.
There's not really any particular way to work around that one, in particular. Especially if consistency is going to be maintained for the the IG environment. CF is supposed to be a fairly large city. As such, it is more likely that there will be quite a few someone elses making production items.
Thus, an environment that is more encouraging to require production skills is one in which not only are there few NPC merchants and craftsmen, but one in which there is little reason for there to be such figures.
2) items are cheaper from monsters. No kidding.. if i make a long sword for 30 copper, and sell it for 60 copper, it has an IG value of 60 copper. If I get a long sword off of a monster, its value as tresure is 30 copper.
I'm really not sure where you're going with this.
If you produce a long sword for 30, and sell it to an NPC for 60, then yes, by treasure policy, it cost 60. OTOH, that also means it was only worth 30 to you.
If you beat up a monster, and sell it to an NPC for 60, then it cost 60 from policy also (since the 30 it cost to put the sword out is reabsorbed into policy). If it was an easy beatdown, then that sword is worth 60 to you as well. If, otoh, it cost you half a dozen protective potions, then you're cutting more and more into your profit.
Honestly, the greater weakness is in indestructible weapons. I haven't had to scrounge for a weapon in years (as Gregor), and therein lies the problem. Saying "Have Monster Camp throw out more shatters) really only hurts the low-levels and people who choose to NOT use magic weapons. I recall after all of those acid skin things last event, a few people being annoyed at having lost their weapons to them, but most of the highbies just kinda shrugged and moved on.
its one of the reasons we see so few PC merchants.
Wasn't it meant to be two?

I would also like to see production goods given as tresure given a more correct value. (2-3 times production cost for example)
In which context? Value per treasure policy? Priced by NPCs? What PCs are willing to pay? I don't see that reducing treasure policy would accomplish anything. Why not just ask that plot put out fewer production items?