FAIL New 2.1 Rituals: Failed Vote Multi-Item Thread

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Jack Y.

Assistant General Manager

Draconic Champion​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Duration:1 hour
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:true
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual temporarily grants the Target Spirit the versatility of a Dragon. It acts as a temporary Spirit Forge, allowing the Target’s card to be rewritten for up to one hour, before it reverts back to its original form. For the purposes of the Spirit Forge granted by Draconic Champion, the Target Spirit will purchase skills at the lowest available cost for any class, regardless of what class is listed on their character card.

In addition to any purchased skills, the Target Spirit also gains access to the Claws Racial Skill and must wear makeup and/or prosthetics so as to appear slightly Draconic, though the exact nature of this requirement is at the discretion of the local Plot team. Additionally, the Target of this Ritual may receive additional powers or abilities at the discretion of the local Plot team.

Upon completion of the Ritual casting and at the end of the duration of the Ritual, the Target Spirit will immediately dissipate and reform within a Circle of Power of their own choosing, without suffering any deaths.

This ritual requires 20 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Summary: This vote would add the 2.1 ritual "Draconic Champion"

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Draconic Champion [FAIL - 60% NAY]
The following chapters voted for this policy: New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago

Synopsis of conversations: With the ritual being controlled by plot, member raised concerns that players will perceive favoritism if a player character is targeted by the ritual. Since there is a makeup requirement, considerations were brought forward for what the NPC camp might have to provide for a player character and expectations for the chapter to provide the reps required. The potential of the temporary spirit forge being used to specialize in artisan and build a large supply of adventuring equipment that would be irrevocable by the chapter was put forward.

Aside from targeting players, considerations for included that it could be used as a potential answer in plot's toolbox to rituals such as Ritual of WoE, where the NPC in question would have preparation time to "power up". Another point made was that the PCs could be asked to choose who among their number is worthy to act as a champion of a being who wanted to help the Player Characters defeat a powerful foe.

For concerns that related to potential of plot being put out by accommodating a player powered up by Draconic Champion, the limited availability of the ritual was clarified. Since it is NPC only as well as Manipulation, there are no methods by which PCs could obtain it without campaign staff's direct control and supervision.

Worries about this ritual limiting options by codifying plot tools were also raised, with the ritual potentially creating a negative space where creative options and solutions would lead to questions of why this was not used. A question about similarities to previous defunct options to empower players was also mentioned, as well as questions about the effect causing a treasure policy drain, which was clarified with the TP value only being shown for comparative purposes since the duration would not cause the ritual's effect to have an impact beyond the event.


Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:false
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the Target to expend any number of reagents to create 4 Crafting Materials worth of Adventuring Equipment items for each reagent expended, up to a total of the Target’s combined ranks of all Crafting Skills. The Adventuring Equipment must be items that are able to be created by any of the Crafting Skills the Target possesses.

LCO Reagents may not be expended as a part of this Ritual.

This Ritual may not be released as an LCO scroll or effect.

Logistics must be consulted prior to casting this ritual.

This ritual requires a minimum of 2 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Summary: This vote would add the 2.1 ritual "Fabricate"

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Fabricate [FAIL - 60% NAY]
The following chapters voted for this policy: New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago

Synopsis of conversations:

Membership opened conversation regarding meetings and chats to explore how the rituals can add value to Alliance. Specific concerns touched on the ritual potentially inhibiting cooperation through cross-pollination of crafters. Though questions were raised about using goblin-stamped reagents to fuel the ritual, clarification was added that the ritual had been updated since pre-voting discussions to add a clause limiting the ritual's availability for LCO purposes, since LCO adventuring equipment does not exist.

An additional point raised was that the toolkit of convenience already has a better return on investment with cannibalizing reagents, which was expressed by ARC to be by design. Additionally, the Fabricate ritual does not require the usage of Crafting Ability Points to add to batches, but the crafter's strength in their combined disciplines, rewarding diverse crafters. Batches do not factor into it, which was a point of clarification for the ritual overall.

Final Stand​

Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:No
Duration:Times Ever
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:None
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:False
Role Play Only:False

This ritual allows the player to choose to rise up as a shimmering entity at any point during their death count, or when they would otherwise crumble to dust, by stating “Final Stand.” This entity starts with double the character’s maximum body total and all of the character’s knowledge, abilities, and Spirit Targeting Ritual effects, but can only take offensive actions, such as swinging a weapon or throwing an effect, if it involves the Healing or Necromancy effect group. Additionally, Earth Channeling can be used as if they had the appropriate Higher Manifestation High Magic ability. The entity may benefit from any Earth or General High Magic abilities that were purchased prior to the beginning of the character’s Death Count, but may not expend additional High Magic points. The entity is immune to all Effects not in the Necromancy or Earth Effect Groups, as well as the Life effect, regardless of delivery. Any successfully resolved Corrupt will immediately end this effect and cause the target to immediately resurrect. Additionally, while in this state, they gain 5 Cloaks usable against either Necromantic or Earth Effects.

When this ability is activated all previously cast spells from the Earth and Necromancy Effect Groups are renewed, as well as the character’s entire Earth channeling pool.

The spectral entity may not use any active Ritual or Superior Equipment effects present on either the character or items they possess.

When the character is reduced to 0 body or 10 minutes pass, whichever comes first, they immediately dissipate and must go to the nearest Earth-Aspected Greater Circle of Power for resurrection. Characters with a Regeneration ritual may not regenerate on the spot, but may reform within the Circle in which the Regeneration was originally cast, if it still exists, or resurrect normally. Any death taken after the use of this ritual cannot benefit from a Sacrifice ritual.

This Ritual requires a minimum of 7 Reagents to cast. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.

  • 9:7 Reagents - Level 1: When Final Stand is activated all the character’s memorized and expended Earth/Necromancy spells and Earth Channeling will renew.
  • 13:10 Reagents - Level 2: In addition to abilities from Level 1, while Final Stand is active, all Spells in memory of 7th level or below are converted to Cure/Cause Wounds, 8th level spells are converted to Purify/Drain, and 9th level spells are converted to Life/Corrupt
  • 15:12 Reagents - Level 3: In addition to abilities from Levels 1 and 2, while Final Stand is active, the user benefits from a Potency effect, for either Earth or Necromancy, even if they have previously used one this Logistics Period
  • 21:18 Reagents - Level 4: In addition to abilities from Levels 1, 2, and 3, while Final Stand is active, Spells and Channeling cast will use Arcane delivery

This Ritual can not be Spellcrafted.

Summary: This vote would add the 2.1 ritual "Final Stand"

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Final Stand [FAIL - 70% NAY]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, New Hampshire, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago

Synopsis of conversations: Member raised concerns that the complexity of the ritual would make it difficult to marshal, which would lead to difficult adjudications in the case that this ritual by nature may be the difference between multiple resurrections and one resurrection. They feared an overwhelming presence of the ritual in spite of its heavy drawback of an ensured resurrection.

With the immunities granted, concerns were also raised regarding Player-Versus-Player town wipes precipitated by a necromantic Final Stand, and potentially be too powerful in a typical Player Versus Environment experience. Further complications included the potential of players to try to force a Final Stand situation or an enslaved player character being ordered to use it offensively. Questions were raised about what harms the "Shimmering Entity" that raises from a Final Stand, and if physical representation or verbal calls would show that this ritual is being activated.

The possibility of making this ritual permanently end a character was raised, including removing the option for a player to half-build their character. At this time, there is no Design or ARC appetite to create any content, ritual or otherwise, that encourages the irreversible decision to permanently kill off a character.

Safe Return​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Location, Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual will create an obelisk at the center of the Circle of Power it is cast within. This obelisk must be at least 3’ in height and is immovable, unable to be broken or shattered, and unable to be targeted by Rituals other than Destroy Magic. Up to 6 people, selected by the Ritual caster, who are within the Circle during the Ritual casting will receive a 1/ever Spirit Recall that will return them to the obelisk created by this ritual.

This ritual requires a minimum of 8 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Summary: This vote would add the 2.1 ritual "Safe Return"

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Safe Return [FAIL - 54.5% NAY]
The following chapters voted for this policy: New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Virginia, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: Concerns of the membership included this ritual's similarity to Spirit Recall, as well as allowing for the effect six times for a fraction of the cost of six persons covered by Spirit Recall. The inclusion of abbreviation marks for inches and feet lead to confusion about the height of the obelisk and a request was made to prevent future confusion for the sake of players with dyslexia or other reading differences. In lieu of creating a unique Celestial Spirit Recall with a physical representation that must be provided by players, opening Spirit Recall to General use was suggested.

This failed ritual is superseded by the Batch 3 version of Safe Return, vote listed here.
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Transmute Coin​

Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:false
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [100 coins]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:False
Role Play Only:False

Logistics must be consulted prior to casting this ritual.

The ritual converts one, or multiple, sets of 100 similar coins into a handful of coins of greater value. This ritual will only affect one type of coin per casting.

At base difficulty, this ritual can only transmute a single pile of 100 copper coins to 15 silver coins. For each additional reagent used, the caster may transmute an additional pile of 100 copper coins during the ritual casting.

If the difficulty is increased to 5, a single pile of 100 silver coins can be transmuted to 12 gold coins. For each additional 4 reagents used, the caster may transmute an additional pile of 100 silver coins during the ritual casting.

If the difficulty is increased to 10, a single pile of 100 gold coins can be transmuted to 11 platinum coins. For each additional 20 reagents used, the caster may transmute an additional pile of 100 gold coins during the ritual casting.

The Component Cost of this ritual scales with each set of coins transmuted. One component is required for casting for each set of coins to be transmuted.

Upon successful casting, all sets of coins targeted dissipate and reform into a smaller number of coins of greater value.

This Ritual may not be released as an LCO scroll or effect.

This ritual requires a minimum of 2 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual should be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
2:2 Reagents - 100 copper coins can be transmuted into 15 silver coins. For each additional reagent consumed, an additional pile of 100 copper coins can be transmuted to 15 silver coins.
5:4 Reagents - 100 silver coins can be transmuted into 12 gold coins. For each additional 4 reagents consumed, an additional pile of 100 silver coins can be transmuted to 12 gold coins.
10:20 Reagents - 100 gold coins can be transmuted into 11 platinum coins. For each additional 20 reagents consumed, an additional pile of 100 gold coins can be transmuted to 11 platinum coins.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Summary: This vote would add the 2.1 ritual "Transmute Coin"

Vote: New 2.1 Ritual: Transmute Coin [FAIL - 72.7% NAY]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Wisconsin, Las Vegas
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Northeast Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Gettysburg, California-Arizona, Virginia, Atlanta, Chicago
The following chapters abstained from this vote: New Hampshire

Synopsis of conversations: Complications included not wanting players to hoard this scroll and use it at a singular event, regional event, or nationals to upcycle coins en masse, and dissatisfaction with potential impacts on in-game economy. Worries that players would further hoard coin in order to collect enough to get a better return on their coin investment were brought to the group. Clarification of intent was added that it was intended as a means of retrieving coin reps and increase time between coin orders. The out of game cost of coins and ability to recover them was raised as a point for the Transmute Coin ritual.
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