New Character

Hey guys. This is my new account. My old one was Agent_bitterman_009 but Aeris pointed how out of place it looked lol. So now i have my name and character made I have a new one.

Keit Darkpaw
Albino Ferret Scavenger
I think I start at level 2 with my character background and an event of NPC'ing. But I have to go watch House and then Nip/Tuck. So... yeah. Any words of advice are GREATLY appreciated.
Hmmm, words of advice. Well, I'll tell ya the one thing I tell new players coming into one of my tabletop campaigns when learning to make a fun character: pick something and obsess over it. Don't try and make your entire personality before you even get into your first encounter. Pick one thing that your character is all about to start with (you wanna be the greatest swordsman alive, you want to be able to smith the perfect weapon, you wanna write the epic poem about the great hero, etc) and go from there. Then, let your experiences temper that and mold it into a real life over the first year. THEN, you'll have a character you will enjoy playing and people will always remember.

Looking forward to having you in the game!
I'd agree with Jeff. At lower levels stick with a single theme, don't try to be a jack-of-all-trades at lower level. Work it, both skill wise and roleplaying wise, and develop your character in steps.

If it helps, sometimes designing a rough draft of your character at different levels helps too. Think of where you want to be at 5th, 10th, 15th, etc. This helps you focus on learning roleplaying skills pertinent to your character, and it also lets you maximize the money you spend on real world gear for your persona.

If there is a progression or story you want to experience along the way, write parts of it down and share some of the ideas with plot and some of the more experienced players. I've seen some very interesting character arcs over the past 15 years, and its always neat to see another character move through a life.

Of course, keep in mind that no plan survives the first engagement. There are some characters that will try to derail yours.

I'd advise you more on that one, but it'd be far too inflamatory.

don't try to make your character do things you suck at in real life.

The reason I started as a rogue was because I spent a good amount of time on the wrong side of someone's front door, in handcuffs, CYA, etc. I wasn't a "Master Thief" so I never tried to start out as one. If you want to start off as something like that, be sure YOU the player can pull it off, or the character will be quite frustrating until you catch the curve.

you can also focus on something you're horrible at, and play up learning the skill to your actual OOG ability. (which is probably not as bad as your character makes you look)

When I play a character, I don't fight at MY level of skill, I fight at HIS.
Once I've spent a few years playing him, I fight petter and better each event until I reach the point the NERO rules prevent me from doing the things that improve technique.

And if one day you decide to turn on your teacher, remember this:
He taught you all that YOU know, not all HE knows. ;)
(yes, I learned that the hard way, just like everything else)
