New clarifications - 11/04

Gypsy Curse:
The intent of Gypsy Curse is for the offended gypsy to punish a transgressor. Thus, the answer to #1 (When do you pick the target, and can the target be changed?) is that you have chosen your target prior to actually performing the incant. You may not change targets once the incant has begun. In regards to #2 (When is line of sight required, can be broken temporarily, etc?), you must maintain line-of-sight throughout the incanting of the curse. The rules for breaking line of sight are identical to those of binding spells: a group of people or a couple of trees are insufficient, however, a wall or door is.

Spirit Recall:
Discussing. Preliminary rulings:

  1. Spirit recall does not have the same appearance, sound, or feel of resurrection.
  2. Per the scroll, basic clothing and spirit-linked items go with the Recalled character.
  3. Per the scroll, the incant is simply "I recal 1, I recall 2, I recall 3".
  4. Interruption being discussed

Exposive Trap vs. Cloak/Bane vs Summoned Force:
Referred to national committee for review of intent.

Counted Action:
Counted actions should be made loud enough for anyone within reasonable (10') distance must be able to hear the verbal. If the player feels that there are extenuating circumstances which would allow for a quieter verbal (ie, effect not visible to those within reasonable distance due to an obscuring factor) they should secure a marshal beforehand and explain the situation. Any allowances will be at the marshal's discretion.

In the case of a counted action being done to fulfill a time requirement in order to perform an action (such as in the case of quaffing a potion) can be done at any volume, so long as the player physreps the action as well (such as lifting a vial to their mouth, etc).

All other counted action being done should be announced loudly enough 1- for the affected party to reasonably be able to hear, and 2- so that someone standing ten feet away can be reasonably expected to hear it.

Earth Guild:
The Earth Guild is an IG residence like any other. In the future, the marshal notes will include spirits going to resurrect and people performing resurrections on the "allowed without a marshal" list, and a note stating that either of the above groups who wish to take actions requiring a rogue marshal, such as outlined under the theft sections of the rulebook, must have one ahead of time.

Detect Magic Clarification:
Use of the Detect Magic effect now requires the presence of a plot team member, if the OOG tag for a magic item is not present at the time of using the Detect Magic effect.

The Kitchen is an IG, NO-COMBAT location. Conversations that take place in there, including character roleplay and the like, are treated as IG conversations, unless the speaker is clearly marked as OOG, such as by a white headband or hand/weapon on head.

Ward Awareness
NERO HQ Addendum said:
The only way to tell if a building has been Warded or Wizard Locked is to observe the ?W? on the portal. The people inside a Ward or Wizard Lock will not know that the Ward or Wizard Lock has been removed until they observe that the ?W? is no longer on the portal.
Thanks for these clarifications.

Two questions about the Gypsy Curse ruling: 1, does attempting to block out the sound (by yelling and/or clapping hands over the ears) do anything? and 2, you state that "line of sight" as per binding spells -- but those spells have a 10 second requirement. Since it's rare that Gypsy Curses take a full 10 seconds to recite, should we assume that the curse instantly fails if line of sight is broken even momentarily?

Not trying to be an ***, just want to be clear.

Polare Lissenstine said:
2, you state that "line of sight" as per binding spells -- but those spells have a 10 second requirement. Since it's rare that Gypsy Curses take a full 10 seconds to recite, should we assume that the curse instantly fails if line of sight is broken even momentarily?

The trick here is balancing the possibility of cheese on either end. I don't want to see people slamming the tavern door shut and letting it bounce open again, then claim that that LOS was broken "momentarily", so they don't have to take the effect, but I also wouldn't want to rephrase it as LOS needing to be met at the conclusion of the incant, and having gypsies run around reciting the Saint Krispin's Day monologue so they can run after their intended victim.

As a rough ruling, I'd say that a slow second or two are sufficient, but less than that is simply attempting to cheese the idea.
The caster cannot close his or her eyes or hide behind someone else to break Line of Sight. If the caster breaks Line of Sight by imposing a very large object such as a building or a large tree between the caster and the victim for longer than 5 seconds, the spell is broken.
If view of the character is resumed before the 5 seconds is up, then the spell continues.

Page 60.

And I'm fairly certain the bit about the large tree means one large enough to easily obscure your vision without having to contort yourself, as well as completely hide you from the target.

I didn't realize this was being rehashed again... there was an old ruling when the was brought up with the rules committee last edition.

I really don't care either way, but other incant effects can be strung out forever while chasing around a person anyways. I mean really, I've heard some people carry an incant for almost a minute and then throw a spell (which they have an extra few seconds to toss the spell)

As long as we get a consistent ruling that everyone sticks with in the chapter, it's good with me. :)


Earth Guild:
The Earth Guild is an IG residence like any other. In the future, the marshal notes will include spirits going to resurrect and people performing resurrections on the "allowed without a marshal" list, and a note stating that either of the above groups who wish to take actions requiring a rogue marshal, such as outlined under the theft sections of the rulebook, must have one ahead of time.

While I understand the intent (not sure if someone robbed the guild this way or not), it is highly wierd to setup a game location that people are *forced* to go to ingame, yet can't manipulate.

It's not a typical roguing situation I can think of. This would in turn mean that if you resurrect as a spirit, discover the attending healer who did the resurrection you would like to kill, and then search the room- but can't because they aren't on the regular list... you need a marshal?


As second line of thought... is it required that destroying a ward or a circle require a rogue marshal or can it just be a ritual marshal?

Does setting a trap within/on/near a doorway require a rogue if you must open the door to a cabin to do so and you are not on the list?

While I understand the intent (not sure if someone robbed the guild this way or not), it is highly wierd to setup a game location that people are *forced* to go to ingame, yet can't manipulate.

It's not a typical roguing situation I can think of. This would in turn mean that if you resurrect as a spirit, discover the attending healer who did the resurrection you would like to kill, and then search the room- but can't because they aren't on the regular list... you need a marshal?

No, in that case the person you just killed is still technically there, and if they are on the list of cabin's residents they could then watch you loot their stuff while waiting to not go anywhere at all to get to the nearest earth circle and await resurrection. :D

The difference that they have to account for in this instance is that the building doubles as an In Game location (the Earth Guild) and a player cabin. It is a bit awkward, but I find it highly prefferable to the old "walk to monster camp and tell them you just showed up at the earth circle, they'll storyline you through the whole thing cause we dont' actually have an earth guild set up at the moment". I know, I used to have to tell people this on occasion when running games and i always hated it.

not an official ruling, just my understanding of the situation
Solomon Maxondaerth said:
No, in that case the person you just killed is still technically there, and if they are on the list of cabin's residents they could then watch you loot their stuff while waiting to not go anywhere at all to get to the nearest earth circle and await resurrection. :D
Yeah... but what I'm reading there says that both the resurrector and resurrectee could both be on the "special" list and neither of them live in the cabin. Who performs the resurrection isn't known by the spirit until the healer shows up and says "begin resurrection".

I have seen several times in several chapters where a hostile spirit materialized and whacked the healer doing the resurrection. In about half of those cases the place was robbed (in the few that were not, it as because the spirit/person was beserked and killed the healer before they got permission to leave the circle, thereby trapping them for someone to find later)

Does that make sense?

Balryn said:
Earth Guild:
This would in turn mean that if you resurrect as a spirit, discover the attending healer who did the resurrection you would like to kill, and then search the room- but can't because they aren't on the regular list... you need a marshal?
That is essentially correct. If you want to do anything that would normally require a rogue marshal, then you must have one present.

As second line of thought... is it required that destroying a ward or a circle require a rogue marshal or can it just be a ritual marshal?
Ward- The ritual marshal will suffice, unless you intend to enter the warded area as well (and are not "on the list"), in which case a rogue marshal is needed.
Circle- If the circle is within a structure which requires a rogue marshal to enter, then a rogue marshal is necessary. Otherwise, a ritual marshal will suffice.
Does setting a trap within/on/near a doorway require a rogue if you must open the door to a cabin to do so and you are not on the list?


If you must enter the cabin in any way to set the trap a rogue marshal is required.
Also, I would note that anyone stringing an incant out that long is probably in violation of the rules by spirit, if not letter. Incanting is not "free time" for casting spells (or calling other verbals), and if you take too long to do so (a break of several seconds between words, I would think), then the spell/verbal is blown.
Shikar al'Basteua said:
Also, I would note that anyone stringing an incant out that long is probably in violation of the rules by spirit, if not letter. Incanting is not "free time" for casting spells (or calling other verbals), and if you take too long to do so (a break of several seconds between words, I would think), then the spell/verbal is blown.
I don't know if it would be a violation of the spirit of the rules... I used to remember when there were an entire spell wing called spellsinging. Some of Balryn's first spells were actually of this type. If you've got a healthy set of lungs, you can carry a single sentance without dropping sound on any part of it. The length (or lack thereof) has always been completely open for verbal duration. The only real requirement has been that people understand it.

CUR1st- One of the key things I see wrong with the gypsy curse ruling is it excludes good roleplay of the effect. Some gypsies have very, very, very, very lengthy personal curses. This really encourages them to drop the RP part down if the want it to hit. One of my routine curses takes 10+ seconds to say even quickly.

2nd- I also think it loses the point of the gypsy curse. The curse is not a combat effect. It is an RP one. Trying to figure out a way to "dodge" a non-combat skill pushes it entirely into the wrong arena.

3rd- A Gypsy who is RPing well probably curses fairly often. They do this both with the skill and with RP. I curse at people all the time without using my curse skill/ability. Under the current way it is setup, there is nothing preventing me from not using my curse at the end. The only real way I see to prevent it, or for people to know it was an actual curse would be to add a verbal to the front end as well.

Those are just some thoughts to think on. :)

1. Is a "rouge marshal" a seperate marshal out there?? here we grab any marshal we want to take to witness our theivieness.

2.Isnt all the stealable good stuff INSIDE the circle? Dosnt make much sence to wack the reserector once your out of the circle then.

3.IF your invested in a ward/circle what have you you can steal from the said area without marshal supervision correct?

4. You can steal from people's cabins all you like as long as they are in the room (in any capasity) right?
1. Yes, rogue marshals are different out here. A rogue marshal at an event cannot be a PC at the event, and generally they're chosen for the extra tight buttons on their lips.

2. Here? No. Dare I say, FOIG.

3. Only if you're also listed as one of the people that can enter the building without a rogue marshal. Remember, rogue marshals are also there to prevent you from accidentally taking OOG stuff and to provide a witness to the event.

4. Mostly yes. If the players are dead to the world, conked out sleeping logs, you should get a rogue marshal.

so if somone wants to steal from people inside their ward they need to not only be invested but on the "oh we trust him" list?? I find it odd that peoples oog judgements of characters be allowed to discriminate who they think is going to steal their stuff.

have you had problems with oog property being stolen?

not trying to be a pain just understand so i dont break any funny rules when i come out or that any of my friends do
Nono. We do sneaky things out here, like hide in people's cabins to get invested in their wards. So, to ENTER a cabin that you're not on the "safe" list of, you have to have a rogue marshal with you. So, you can be invested in someone's ward and not be on their "safe" list of people to enter without a rogue marshal.

Does that make more sense now?
It's not so much that we have had problems with oog items being stolen from peoples cabins, although I have heard of oog items being stolen from the refrigerator in the tavern and from peoples cars, it's generally not a huge issue. We've just always done it this way and will probably continue doing it this way since it doesn't really require all that much extra effort. If I don't trust you with my oog stuff, then I generally don't want you rooting around in my stuff without a rogue marshall present.

BTW... I haven't seem someone "stealth" their way into being invested in a ward in a REALLY long time.

Also a rogue marshal is there to check the marshal notes and make sure that things that are set to happen (glyphs,traps,etc.) are done at the right time. If you, the theif hear a click or crack that seems out of place, you might not think much of it. If, however, the marshal notes a trap sound going off, they will be able to resolve it. Basicly the marshal is also there to make sure you can freely ransac the room and not have an owner of it around to tell you what happend:).
Derek Ironhammer said:
BTW... I haven't seem someone "stealth" their way into being invested in a ward in a REALLY long time.
Then they are doing their job well.