New Earth Circle


As many of you know, the Earth circle in Briarpass was recently destroyed. A new one is now in place however we have only been able to have a few people invested in it. We do have a scroll available for additional investments, however the specific components needed are in short supply.

If anyone has any spare Feyander, Pyrotis or Cariosus, I would be most appreciative if you would be willing to sell them to me at a fair price.

Thank you for your help!

How many of each are needed per investment? I was asked to gather some components to have myself invested, and I would be willing to donate any remaining I come across.

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
I got a few of those Kyrie- 1 Cariosus, 2 Pyrotis, and 1 Feyander. I'll bring them next market day for ya if you're still short a few.
A full investment requires one of each. Any one of the three is sufficient for a short term investiture.

Thank you very much Tarqaq. I will talk to you when I see you next. :)
I have a feyander you can have..
Normally I wouldn't sell my components because I use them for other means, but it just so happens that I understand the importance of the Earth Circle and I believe I have one of each component that you require. Send me a pigeon, I have not left through the mists back to Gaden yet as I will be returning next week to Briars Pass.

- D'rezz Zandrick