New Gobbie Rules

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
The owners have voted to pass a series of rules allowing new uses for goblin stamps.

  • Teacher Tag - 100 Goblin stamps ( Allows you to purchase an untaught skill )
  • LCO Component for spellcrafting - 50 Goblin stamps ( These components can only be used for spellcrafting at logistics )
  • Full Spellbook - 500 Goblin stamps per spellbook( This allows a player to purchase a full Celestial or Earth Full spellbook )
  • *Full Alchemy Book - 250 Goblin stamps per book ( This allows the purchase of a full alchemy book ) *Any illegal recipes in your chapter would not be added.
  • Tagged Roleplay Items - 1 Goblin stamps per 1 copper ( This allows you to purchase roleplay items listed on Page 33 of the Alliance Rulebook; Horse, Boat, house, etc)
  • Full protectives - 40 Goblin stamps ( This purchase grants a bless,shield,endow,magic armor,spell shield, elemental shield, poison shield. )
  • Recharge spell store - 50 Goblin stamps for 10 levels of spell store. ( Spells may be split between different items and schools. ) This may only be purchased once per weekend.