*New Hampshire: Donation Drive!* RAIN RELIEF FUNDRAISING!


New Hampshire Staff
*Alliance New Hampshire: Donation Drive!*
Paypal: captnofox@gmail.com


As many of you may know, there has been significant rain and flooding across New England these days.

Sadly, our LARP site has flooded out multiple times; so far, two of our events at Alliance New Hampshire had to be canceled.

A lot of work has gone into site improvements, but more is still needed! At this point in time, we are out of lumber (thanks to new boardwalks and dry walkways!), and another truckload of gravel (to solidify the mud and muck) will cost $350.

Can you help us meet our goal? Can you help us get playing again this season?!

Check out this promo we are running for some urgent RAIN RELIEF efforts! Big rewards for big donations! Incentives for chipping in at any amount!

Contact Dustin S, (owner) Steve D (GM), or Susie G (Community Manager) with any questions.

Thanks, team!
Anyone local to NH free this Saturday? Want 1,000 Goblin Stamps? WE GOT PLANS!!

Update: All Dragon Stamp rewards have been claimed! Any additional donations of $100+ will receive LCO Magic Items!
Guess what, you wonderful nerds!! --- WE GOT TO PLAY AT NH THIS WEEKEND!!!!!

We have something to say to everyone who donated and helped out! Y'all are an amazing community!

Efforts are ongoing! Donate at PayPal: captnofox@gmail.com

- 10:1 Goblin Stamps per $.
- Donations over $100 get an LCO Magic Item!
- 1,000 Goblin Stamps for attending a WORK DAY (In Unity, NH. Check our Facebook for our scheduling updates!)
A thousand thanks to all you generous nerds in our lovely Alliance community! The NH site is up and running again! Our promo donation drive for rain relief efforts is coming to a close. We couldn't have done this without y'all!
