New Online Database


We have a new online database! Read about it here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7457

Ask questions, share comments, etc below!!
First question: I have a login already for my dragon stamps. Does that login have anything to do with this login? What if I have logins for other chapters who use this system already?
Great question! All of the databases in this system operate independently of each other, so your login for any other database that uses this system won't work for Seattle. You are welcome to use the same username and password, but different branches of the system don't know how to communicate with each other, so you'll have to log into our system separately to see your Seattle characters.
Fantastic! Thanks for setting this up!
The DB is being updated again as I type this. Give it about an hour and things should be refreshed. I'm going to try and have the DB updated every Wednesday from here on out, as a heads up. Feel free to let me know if you run into problems or have any questions!
