New Person! (Robert G)


Hi im Bob Greco, and I am interested in attending april game, though i have never played alliance making me a very new player
I have Role playing experience with larping and some gaming.
One thing i am triying to obtain before this april is the feather used for a biata's racial makeup, jus curious as to where i could purchase and or make them, if within my level craftiness
also i do want to make a character background also, but i have no idea what the game world is really like in alliance, but more than willing to find out
have read some of the rules but im still trying to truly grasp it all.... im honestly interested in playing a Biata (Fightery type) but thats as far out as i have thought.
any help is appreciated!
Hi Bob!

My name is Sarah. I used to play Diera Turak. That's my picture above Biata in the current rule book, admittedly early in the character's life.

The best way I found to do eyebrows is to take a wider, perhaps not as nice feather out of your pile. Bend it on the shaft a whole bunch, just basically curl it over your nail. Apply liquid latex to your face above your eyebrow, then place this feather there. Let it set up. This is your base feather, the one you're going to lair all the other ones on top of.

Next, take your decorative feathers. Again bend them along the shaft, just where they're going to attach. Breaking the shaft like this lets the feathers shape themselves better to your face, and ends up providing a more realistic movement when they're on. Use liquid latex and lair the feathers on until you have the look you desire. Let this all set and dry before pulling it off.

I personally kept the swept around the face look, You can go for a straight out look, for a busy look, for a sleek look. It all depends on what you find for feathers and how you want it all to look.

Once it's all set and dry, carefully peel it off from the bridge of your nose out. You will now have a set of feathers that you can keep reusing with either spirit gum or liquid latex. I stuck with latex since I found that spirit gum had a tendency to melt and run down into my eyes. These prosthetics will last you for a good year or more with proper care.

You can find feathers at Michaels and Jo-Anns. You can also try fishing tackle stores, particularly ones that have supplies to make your own lures, and mask making stores.
Thank you Sarah for your advice, that seems very do able for me
I will have to get some feathers then! are these normally a fabric kind i assume? i cant really tell in the book as the lack of color, but thats understandable for printing purposes.
They're just regular feathers. You can use any colors or combination of colors you like (maximum 3 colors). The colors do have meaning, be sure to read over that section of the book/race packet.
Those were the long thin feathers that come in small packs from Michaels. I eventually upgraded first to emu feathers, then to longer thicker feathers that came in a small bundle from display and costume. I'm not sure they sell them anymore, however. You'll certainly find a wider selection online than you will in any one store.
Sarah said:
Those were the long thin feathers that come in small packs from Michaels. I eventually upgraded first to emu feathers, then to longer thicker feathers that came in a small bundle from display and costume. I'm not sure they sell them anymore, however. You'll certainly find a wider selection online than you will in any one store.

Display and Costume at Northgate had a pretty good array of feathers back in October, and looked like a fairly 'regular' section (IE: Not the seasonal-cycling section), including some super long feathers. If you've got one nearby, it's a pretty good place to go for 'em.
They have them as of last week in the back near the styrofoam, if I recall.
With respect to world info and character background, the rulebook has a lot of general stuff. If you e-mail and tell them you would like to create a Biata character, we can send you the Biata race packet to give you info that you can't get if you're not a Biata.