New Player seeks Advice regarding Elves


Virginia Staff
Hello everyone! A couple people might remember me posting a few months ago regarding Dark Elves. Well, due to something on the horizon, I'll likely be unable to PC a Dark Elf for the time being until I sort some things out. However! I've already started working on gathering everything to be a "normal" Elf (not MWE, DE, or SE) in the game. I'm just looking for advice, the racial packets, and any help from other Elves!

I'm also curious if these two weapons are legal at HQ, I saw someone posting that Epic Armoury was legal here. ... blade.aspx ... 85-cm.aspx

Also, I've never really LARPed before but I've been fighting Dagorhir and Belegarth for a couple years now.

Thank you guys so much for the help!! :thumbsup:

(One last thing! My IG name will NOT be the one listed, but feel free to call me that on here)
Weapons are approved on a case-by-case basis in each chapter, but I can tell you I have those swords in the NH chapter and I love them.

And welcome to elfdom, and to Alliance. It's pretty sweet. If you email the HQ plot staff, they'll be able to provide you with a race packet which will give you some basic info about the different elf races at the HQ chapter. Each chapter has their own "flavor" of elves, in so far as their heritage, history, and demeanor. Choose wisely, young LARPing padawan. ;)
Just a note on those weapons. Both will pass for us and have in the past. We do not thrust nor use the "waylay" skill with latex weapons. But for slashing they will rock.
Thanks, both of you.

@Aggravain: Sweet! Now I just have to buy them. Do you recommend the latex spray stuff for long life?

@youthculture: I've been an "Dark Elf/Druchii" (Warhammer Fantasy) since I've been swinging foam. But its been from the evil side of the house. Decided I need a little balance with a "good" persona. :shades:
On the spray I don't know. I normally don't use latex weapons. They get too hard in the winter. I do have a later two handed I'm trying in July and will seal coat it with the spray then.
Collin, sent you an email.
The spray is just silicone spray that is available at walmart for $3 or we have it on site for $5. Don't waste your money on their $15 spray.

We also currently have both those swords in stock for $70 and $60 respectively. And there's no shipping if you pick them up on site. What game do you intend on attending?

Sounds good!

Well, I'm currently overseas and won't be back until sometime in the fall. However, one of my pals (Matt/Dozer, NPC'ed an event recently) might be able to pick it up for me if you guys take online payments.

There's three elf types you can pick from. As far as they go they're basically high, wood, and wild elves. So depending on what you want is the race packet you'll get.

As far as the swords go Scott sells legal weapons or our game.

Are you overseas due to military or just for fun?
I've gotten the packets from Plot. Due to personal preferences and recommendations, I'll likely be a High Elf.

For fun would be awesome. But we'll say its in support of the military for discussion purposes. :shades:
Yay Imladari elves! I play one. Lol

I completely understand. Been there done that burned the t-shirt. :thumbsup:
@ Lanna:
Then I look forward to seeing you in game! :lol:

I'll be back around Oct, just in time to miss the rest of the Alliance season!! :disgust: