New Player


Hello all.
I am going to the may event and this is my first time I have ever been to one. That being said, I am torn on what to do for a character. I can't make up my mind between a rogue or a healer. I know i could go the way of the adapt but i would like to get a feel for the game before I consider that route. My question then would be, What is in more demand? Rogue or Healer?
Thanks. See you in May.
Welcome aboard!

There are no classes that are necessarily in demand than any other -- a lot of it is going to be what you prefer to play and what you enjoy. As a Rogue, you have a weapon you can always swing and damage you can always do, but it can be hard playing a rogue without someone there to partner up with as your distraction. As a healer, you have some useful spells that are going to be in demand, but your skills are limited to your spells which can run out. For me, I've played both a low level rogue and low level healer; they both come with pros and cons. It's easier to do what you enjoy.

My suggestion would be to pick one or the other to try out and then if you find that you aren't enjoying it, we allow one character rewrite before your third event. The other thing you can do is try NPCing and ask the monster camp staff to let you try playing a rogue or a healer to see how you like it.

Look forward to seeing you in May!
I'm going volunteer to play an NPC. That way I can learn the rules better and start my character at a higher level. Thanks for the help. See you soon.