For those of you who were curious what was going on when I asked for scrolls to be turned in to be re-printed, here is the official write-up.
If there are any specific questions on the subject I will do my best to try and answer them (as I have had several very long conversations with Bev on the subject).
Beverly Byers said:I am happy to announce, that after much time and a lot of hard work by MANY individuals, the new and improved ritual system is ready to go!! There are many changes that include the Ritual system itself, Ritual scrolls, and High Magic. It is because of this that I am recommending that anyone who has any existing scrolls contact the chapter(s) they belong to so they can be reprinted with the correct information. Catalysts (with the exceptions below) are not affected and do not need to be reprinted. Reagents are not affected and do not need to be reprinted. Any current magic items that have effects that have changed may need to have their tags reprinted. Please contact your chapter staff if you believe you have such an item and they can reprint it for you if it is needed.
The owners have made the following decisions in response to changes that were made to the Minor and Major Construct rituals and the addition of a new Master Construct ritual. Please see the appropriate Chapter to update these changes:
1)Any existing Minor Construct rituals get traded in for Construct rituals and any Major Construct rituals get traded in for Master Construct rituals.
2)Players in possession of a Major Construct catalyst will be given the choice of it becoming either a Master Construct Ritual Catalyst or a Construct Ritual Catalyst. Going forward, the catalysts for Master Construct and Construct will be separate catalysts that are issued according to current catalyst policy.
3)Existing golems can either remain as-is without the option of storing a spirit, or you can create a storable golem (Master Construct) with points based on the DC/Reagent cost of your current golem according to the chart below:
Obsidian Golem - Difficulty 7 = 15pt
Gargoyle, Guardian of Keep - Difficulty 8 = 30pt
Iron Golem - Difficulty 8 = 30pt
Bone Golem - Difficulty 9 = 45pt
Gargoyle, Guardian of Forever - Difficulty 9 = 45pt
Diamond Golem - Difficulty 10 = 55pt
Silver Golem - Difficulty 10 = 55pt
Quicksilver Soldier - Difficulty 11 = 60pt
The owners have made the following decision in response to changes that were made to the Haven of the Living/Domain of the Defiled Ritual scroll.
1)The Haven/Domain Catalysts currently in player possession simply cease to exist, as a catalyst is no longer required for this ritual.
The following changes are active immediately but I ask that you have patience with the Alliance staff as we are currently updating the databases. This may take a little time so your chapter may not be able to reprint your items right away. We are working on it and should have every database ready before each chapters next event. Thank you for your patience! I know this change has been long awaited so, here you go:
Ritual System Changes:
1. Batch Duration/Definition:
A "Batch" for the purposes of casting a ritual is defined as a series of rituals of the same Aspect cast in succession and asserted by the caster to be part of a contiguous batch. No more than 5 minutes may pass between the casting of individual rituals in a batch; should this time limit expire, the batch is closed.
2. Extenders:
Extenders may be cast at any time during the Ritual Batch. If an Extender is cast as the last Ritual in a Batch the Difficulty/Reagent Cost is calculated off of the previous Rituals which were successful and on the item. If a Ritual is cast at the beginning or any time in a Batch other than as the last Ritual the Difficulty and Reagent cost of the Extender is based off the INTENDED number of Rituals in the Batch and is not modified by Failing Rituals which occur after the Extender is placed. For example if you cast a Permanence at the Difficulty of a 12 Ritual Item intending to place 12 Rituals into the item but, upon finishing the batch, only succeed at 8 of those additional Rituals (which would be a lower Permanence Difficulty/Reagent Cost) you will not receive any compensation for the additional Reagents or Difficulty used in casting the Permanence. You may, subject to the Batch definition, seek out additional Rituals to cast on the item to replace those which were lost and, as long as they are cast within the time limits of the Batch, these Rituals will go into the available Extender “slotsâ€. This option does not allow you, however, to add more Rituals to an Extender than the Difficulty chosen. Continuing the example if you were to find 5 additional Rituals to continue your batch (after having failed 4) only the first 4 cast would be affected by the Permanence as that would take up the 12 available “Slotsâ€. The 5th and final Ritual cast would not be affected by the Permanence and would need a new Extender or to expire on its base duration.
3. Reagent Expiration:
Reagents now have an expiration date that is 5 years from the date of printing instead of 3. Any Reagents that have already been printed within the current system will maintain the expiration date they were printed with.
4. Spellcrafting Duration:
Spellcrafting will now have a duration of 5 days, not 1 Logistics period, to keep with the “standard†High Magic template. The only exceptions to this are the Summoning scrolls which still have a 1 hr Spellcraft duration.
5. New Scroll Designations:
Role Play Only (RPO) – This is a new type of Ritual Scroll that may be put out at the Local Plot team’s discretion. These scrolls are meant to enhance Role Play within a chapter.
Ritual Scroll Changes:
1. Banish to <Other Plane>:
There is a wording change to clarify that this is an unavoidable ritual and to clarify that it is only mandatory for the character to be Banished in the campaign the ritual was cast in. Casters now have the option to Banish additional unwilling targets for a higher DC and reagent cost.
2. Boost Duration:
This scroll has been reworded to allow an Item or Target to accept ANY additional Rituals and include them in the same “Batch†if they are of the same Aspect for up to 28 days or until the next ritual cast, of the appropriate aspect, following the Boost Duration Ritual. This will allow a caster to include a Boost Duration in a batch of Rituals in Campaign A and travel to Campaign B to add a few more Rituals before an Extender (which still replaces the Boost Duration). Only Rituals cast in the Batch with the Boost Duration will be considered part of the Batch for the purposes of the Extender. This scroll is also reworded to allow for casting other rituals on to an item or target, that are not part of the Boosted batch, without ending or changing the Boosted batches duration. Also to clarify that only one Boost Duration ritual may be on an item at any given time no matter what the aspect is.
3. Channel Spell:
There is a wording change to clarify which weapons are considered valid targets of this ritual. The difficulty and reagent cost chart has changed to the following.
Spell Level DC Reagents
1-3 4 3
4-6 6 4
7-9 8 5
4. Cloak of Darkness:
The ritual type of this scroll has been changed to “Physical and Spiritâ€
5. Conjure Artifact:
Wording is added to the Scroll that allows Plot to make Artifact-targeting information available In Game and to state that some Artifacts impose Spirit Links while others may not allowing Plot to determine how they want the Artifact handled in their game.
6. Contact Other Plane:
This scroll is changed to a “General†aspect and the following chart has been added that details which Planes can be reached depending on the Aspect of the Formal Levels the caster uses:
Celestial - Fire, Air, Water, Stone
Earth - Order, Life, Death, Chaos
All other Planes may be determined by the local Plot committee and added to the Scroll or through Plot allowing characters to discover how to contact additional Local Planes In Game.
7. Destroy Magic <Aspect>:
An additional DC and reagent cost has been added to this scroll that allows the caster to cherry pick Flaws or Rituals off an item or spirit that is of the same aspect as the caster. A catalyst has been added to this scroll that would allow a caster to do the same thing for an item or spirit of an opposite aspect.
8. Earth/Chaos Aura:
Verbiage is clarified to state that the caster must choose either Earth or Chaos at the time of casting. Auras can now stack allowing an item to have both an Earth and a Chaos aura subject to all normal carrier rules (only one may be called at a time, etc).
9. Elemental Aura:
Verbiage is clarified to state that the caster must choose Flame, Lightning, Stone, or Ice at the time of casting. Auras can now stack allowing an item to have up to all four elemental auras subject to all normal carrier rules (only one may be called at a time, etc). (So, for example, a Caster could use 3 Elemental Aura Scrolls to add Flame, Ice and Stone to a weapon)
10. Elemental Burst:
The following difficulty chart has been added to this scroll:
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 1 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 30 1/Day (30)
+3 Difficulty, Difficulty 4, 4 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 50 1/Day (50)
+7 Difficulty, Difficulty 8, 8 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 30 2/Day (60)
+11 Difficulty, Difficulty 12, 12 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 70 1/Day (70)
+15 Difficulty, Difficulty 16, 16 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 30 3/Day (90)
+19 Difficulty, Difficulty 20, 20 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 50 2/Day (100)
+23 Difficulty, Difficulty 24, 24 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 90 1/Day (90)
+27 Difficulty, Difficulty 28, 28 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 70 2/Day (140)
+31 Difficulty, Difficulty 32, 32 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 50 3/Day (150)
+35 Difficulty, Difficulty 36, 36 Reagents, Elemental Burst Value: 90 2/Day (180)
Each Charge takes up a Ritual Slot on an item (such as 2 charges will take up 2 slots of an items 20 available Ritual Slots).
11. Enchant:
The following difficulty chart has been added to this scroll:
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 1 Reagents, 1 Charge of a single Spell level 1-3
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 2 Reagents, 2 Charges of a single Spell level 1-3
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 3 Reagents, 3 Charges of a single Spell level 1-3
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 2 Reagents, 1 Charge of a single Spell level 4-6
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 3 Reagents, 2 Charges of a single Spell level 4-6
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 4 Reagents, 3 Charges of a single Spell level 4-6
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 3 Reagents, 1 Charge of a single Spell level 7-9
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 4 Reagents, 2 Charges of a single Spell level 7-9
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 1, 5 Reagents, 3 Charges of a single Spell level 7-9
Each Charge takes up a Ritual Slot on an item (such as 3 charges will take up 3 slots of an items 20 available Ritual Slots).
12. Enhance Wand:
The following verbiage has been added to this scroll:
The Ritual may only be cast on an approved Wand Rep as described under the Wands section of the Alliance LARP Rule Book, the Read Magic skill description and in accordance with any listed Addendums.
13. Gift of Life:
A catalyst has been added to this scroll for the following additional effect:
"If the Catalyst is used in the casting upon a Spirit Bottle created by a Curse of Undeath, this ritual will negate the Curse of Undeath, destroying the bottle in addition reverting the undead to its original form without causing it to resurrect."
Without the catalyst this ritual functions as it always has.
14. Greater Wand:
The following verbiage has been added to this scroll:
The Ritual may only be cast on an approved Wand Rep as described under the Wands section of the Alliance LARP Rule Book, the Read Magic skill description and in accordance with any listed Addendums.
Also the difficulty and reagent costs have changed to the following chart:
Diff 5 - 5 reagents - +1
Diff 10 - 10 reagents - +2
Diff 20 - 20 Reagents- +3
15. Haven of the Living / Domain of the Defiled:
The scroll type has been changed to “Physical: Locationâ€, where Location is defined as per a valid target for a Ward or Wizard Lock spell. The catalyst has been removed from this scroll.
16. Heal Golem:
This ritual now creates up to 3 times ever charges that restore 50 body to the target golem and removes all negative effects.
17. Item Recall:
This ritual has changed from times ever to times per day. A person with a Spirit Link/Lock can have Item Recalls but items that have Spirit Links/Locks cannot be the target of an Item Recall.
18. Lore:
This scroll is now a “General†aspect ritual. At plot discretion this scroll may now reveal things which Celestial Circles are unable to identify such as history, legends or other information.
19. Mark/Unmark:
The following text has been added to this ritual:
“Casters can choose to add additional colors to the Marks by paying an increased cost
of +1 DC per color and +1 Reagent for every 5 total Colors they would like to use. (ex:
to use 3 colors would cost DC 2 and cost 3 Reagents (base). To use 10 colors would
cost DC 11 and 5 Reagents (+2 to base cost)).â€
20. Master Construct:
This is a new ritual scroll that allows a caster to custom build a golem that they can Spirit Store into. The caster receives points to spend based on the DC and reagent cost chart which they can then use to purchase abilities off a set list.
21. Minor Construct and Major Construct:
These 2 scrolls have been combined into one scroll called “Construct†and can no longer be Spirit Stored into.
22. Obfuscate:
This scroll is now usable by PC’s.
23. Greater Obfuscate:
A new NPC only scroll.
24. Planar Asylum:
This ritual now has a base 1 year duration and may be extended.
25. Planar Gate:
Without the catalyst this scroll works as normal, however with a catalyst the following is possible:
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 10, 5 Reagents + Catalyst
In addition to the standard effect listed above, the ritual allows the caster to impose ONE of the following effects on the Planar Gate:
1) Time Locked - the Planar Gate only functions from 6am to 6pm OR 6pm to 6am (an Alliance Day or an Alliance Night).
2) Planar Asylum - The caster may target 1 individual per 10 levels of Formal they possess to receive a Planar Asylum for the targeted Plane of the Planar Gate.The target(s) must be in the Circle of Power at the time of casting. The Planar Asylum will last until the Planar Gate ritual ends by any means or until Destroyed as the Planar Asylum ritual on the target character. This is a Celestial Effect.
3) Directional - the Planar Gate will only allow travel in one direction (From the plane or To the plane) chosen by the caster at the time of casting.
4) Keyed Gate - the Caster must supply a physical representation of a Key which attunes to the Gate. The key cannot already be a magical item and cannot be made into a magical item while it is attuned to the gate. The key can still be broken or shattered. Only characters holding the Key are able to pass through the Gate (in either direction). Once opened via a Key the Gate remains open for 5 seconds allowing the Key Holder to bring additional companions along during that time. The Gate will only unlock if the Key Holder breaks its boundary- IE the Holder of the Key must physically pass through the Gate to open it. The Gate cannot be prematurely shut.
5) Dispellable - the caster may, at any time from either Plane, touch the Gate rep and state "I close this Gate" at which time the Planar Gate ritual immediately ends. Once ended the caster CANNOT re-open the same Planar Gate - a new ritual must be performed.
26. Protection Aura:
Changed text in the first paragraph to read:
“This is a General Aspect ritual and will always be the same as the aspect of the ritual caster.â€
27. Racial Transformation:
This scroll now reads "Wylderkin" instead of "Scavenger".
28. Regeneration:
The extraneous words "been transferred" have been removed from the Regeneration scroll.
29. Render Indestructible:
The following verbiage is added to this scroll:
“Out of Game:
If cast on a suit of armor it will cause that armor to be unable to be Shattered or
Destroyed, but the armor’s protection may still be reduced to 0 as normal.â€
30. Render Indestructible Improved:
The following verbiage is added to this scroll:
“Out of Game:
If cast on a suit of armor it will cause that armor to be unable to be Shattered or
Destroyed, but the armor’s protection may still be reduced to 0 as normal.â€
31. Sacrifice:
This ritual allows a character to sacrifice their spirit by trading places with a spirit that has been in a greater Earth Circle awaiting Resurrection for no more than 30 minutes. The activator of the Sacrifice ritual then undergoes a resurrection per the standard rules.
32. Spell Parry:
Spell Parry can be used to intercept a spell on another Target if that Target is within Range as defined in the Parry Skill
33. Spell Store:
The following verbiage has been added to this scroll to clarify difficulty and reagent costs above Spell Store 9:
+15 to Difficulty, Difficulty 16, 12 Reagents, Spell Store 10
+20 to Difficulty, Difficulty 21, 17 Reagents, Spell Store 11
+ 25 to Difficulty, Difficulty 26, 22 Reagents, Spell Store 12
For each Spell Store above this add +5 Difficulty and +5 Reagents. For example Spell Store 20 would be Difficulty 66 and require 62 Reagents.
34. Spirit Farewell:
This is classified as a Role Play Only scroll and the following verbiage is added:
Once cast this Ritual CANNOT fail due to a die roll. If cast correctly it will always be performed successfully as long as no Automatic Backlash conditions are met (such as the caster unable to see the scroll or someone entering the Circle of Power by unallowed means). The Caster may still be required to Roll, however, to see if they Flaw or Backlash the Ritual however any Flaws or Backlashes are treated as "Ritual Succeeds" in addition to any additional effects.
If the Ritual Succeeds but the Target is NOT willing to return on that casting they can still be Spirit Farewelled again. A Spirit may only RETURN on one Casting but has the right to choose which casting and situation that is.
35. Spirit Lock:
Base Difficulty of this scroll is changed to “6â€.
36. Spirit Recall:
Activating the effects of this scroll no longer requires a character to speak, it can be done while silenced.
37. Spirit Store:
The aspect of this ritual is now Celestial. The stored spirit now has the option to end the effect whenever they want by spending 5 minutes in a Celestial Circle of Power. Only Master Construct rituals can be targets for Spirit Store effects. Construct rituals cannot.
38. Store Ability:
The difficulty chart is changed to the following:
Base Difficulty, Base Reagents, Difficulty 3, 2 Reagents-
You can store 1 Charge of ANY physical Skill.
The following verbiage is added to this scroll:
“At the time of casting, when the Skill to be stored is placed in the Item, the Ritualist has the option to "record" any Carrier the Skill has or to save the ability as a basic record. This information will be recorded on the Item Tag. If a Carrier is listed next to a Skill stored in an item then that Carrier must be manifested when this item is activated. If no carrier is listed the Carrier is assumed to be "Normal" and the activator may apply any carriers or spells as with a normal weapon attack.â€
39. Strengthen:
This scroll has changed from “universal†to “universal and spirit†and the name has changed to “Resist Destroy Magicâ€.
40. Summon Elemental (Foundation), Summon Elemental (Magistarium), Summon ExtraPlanar Creature, Summon Magical Creature:
Verbiage has been added to these scrolls to allow your local plot committee to negotiate forms of payment other than reagents. The wording has been clarified to explain to the caster what may be required of them by the plot team if they wish to cast this ritual.
41. Transfer Enchantment:
The following verbiage is added to this scroll:
A Spirit Locked item may not be transferred from a Spirit to another Spirit, any attempt to do so will automatically fail.
42. Transform to <Greater Undead (Corporeal, Skeletal, or Spectral)>:
The target of this ritual no longer becomes an NPC but instead becomes “Plot Controlled†allowing the PC to still play their character but to do so within the guidelines given to them by the plot team.
43. Vision:
The following verbiage is added to this scroll:
Plot may take into account Mental Abilities or any related Craftsman skill if possessed by the ritual caster or the person on whom the ritual is cast.
44. Warder Glyph <Specific Name>:
The following Difficulty chart has been added to this scroll:
Base Difficulty, Difficulty 2, 3 Reagents – Spell level 1-3 Magic Delivery
+3 Difficulty, Difficulty 5, 4 Reagents – Spell level 4-6 Magic Delivery
+6 Difficulty, Difficulty 8,5 Reagents – Spell level 7-9 Magic Delivery
+10 Difficulty, Difficulty 12, 5 Reagents, Caster is Earth Aspect- Earth/Chaos type Vengeance (as Vengeance but only creatures vulnerable to the appropriate Energy take damage or effect from this ability).
+10 Difficulty, Difficulty 12, 5 Reagents, Caster is Celestial Aspect – Vengeance (10 pts per Celestial Formal Level of the Caster)
+12 Difficulty, Difficulty 14, 6 Reagents – Spell level 1-3 Arcane or Elemental Delivery
+18 Difficulty, Difficulty 16, 7 Reagents – Spell level 4-6 Arcane or Elemental Delivery
+24 Difficulty, Difficulty 18, 8 Reagents – Spell level 7-9 Arcane or Elemental Delivery
45. Whispering Wind:
The base number of words is now 30. The following has been added to this ritual to allow for greater effects:
Base DC, DC 2, 3 reagents, Caster has met subject
+2 to DC, DC 4, 4 reagents, Caster has not met subject but subject is well known
+4 to DC, DC 6, 5 reagents, Caster has not met subject but caster has heard of subject
+6 to DC, DC 8, 6 reagents, Caster only knows subjects name
Use the above chart as a base and add the following DC and reagent costs to achieve greater effect. The following effects can be stacked but all costs add to the base.
+2 DC and 1 reagent per extra target (must use the target with the greatest base DC to calculate total costs.) Additional Messages are subject to the same delivery limitations as the primary message (as long as it takes the Marshal to find the subject and may fail if the subject cannot be located).
+5 DC and 3 reagents to hide the identity of the message sender.
+1 reagent for every 10 words added to the base allowed.
High Magic Changes/Additions:
1. Elemental Burst:
Cost: 1 high magic point / purchase
Prerequisite: 9th level spell
For every purchase of this ability the celestial caster gets 25 points of damage into his 'burst pool'. The caster may pull from this damage pool to throw elemental damage with the following incant, "X elemental <element>". Each elemental packet may have its element, and damage number chosen at the time of use, with the following restrictions.
Element types are limited to Flame, Ice, Lightning, Stone, damage number must be a multiple of 5 (5,10,15,20, etc), and may not exceed 10 x the number of 9th level spells the caster is capable of memorizing.
You may augment an elemental burst from the ritual by the same name with damage from your pool, up to your maximum value for a single attack.
The 'burst pool' also has the following effects when it is at or above the following values.
100 - +1 Damage on all wands
200 - +2 damage on all wands
300 - +3 Damage on all wands
2. Ritual Manipulation:
Point Cost - 1
Prerequisite - Formal Magic level 1, Must have ritual scroll you wish to manipulate, all reagents required to cast it, the catalyst (if required), and the appropriate amount of formal lvls.
Each time this ability is taken the caster will receive 1 tag with the name of the ritual to be manipulated, the specific manipulation, the name of the caster, and the expiration date of the effect (which is the end of the event). This tag must be handed to the ritual marshal along with all other requirements for casting the ritual when it is cast. The prerequisite for each type of manipulation must be met individually on a scroll to Primary caster basis. Formal Link cannot be used to meet the prerequisite for any of these manipulations.
The types of manipulations and their prerequisites -
Second chance - When purchased this allows the caster to make a second die roll if the first fails. For every purchase of this manipulation this allows the caster a 10% chance to avoid failing the ritual up to a maximum of 50%. - Can only be used once per ritual - points for this must be allocated prior to casting the ritual. Caster must have 5 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Lore Answer – This ability allows the Caster to enter a Note on the Magic Item Tag which dictates what information, if any, the Caster of a Lore Ritual will receive. For each purchase of this Ability the Caster may stipulate one “answer†which will be the first answer the Caster of the Lore Ritual will receive from Plot. It is up to the discretion of Plot how much, if anything, the Caster of the Lore Ritual will receive beyond this answer. Caster must have 5 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Insert Component - Allows the Caster to substitute 1 Component for a different one listed on the Scroll. The Caster needs to have at least 1 each of the Components listed on the Scroll (for example if they have a Scroll with a Base Reagent cost of Wand, Wand and Pyrotis they will need to have at least 2 Wand and 1 Pyrotis and can use this ability to replace "additional reagents" for higher casting).
Caster must have 5 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Improved Chance - Add 1% success chance to the ritual being cast. This ability can only be used 5 times per ritual for a max chance of 95%. This is accomplished by rolling either two 10 sided die (with one representing the “ten†column and one representing the “ones†column) or rolling 1 die twice – first for the tens digit then again for the ones digit.
Caster must have 5 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Casters’ Mark – allows the Caster to add a small sigil or rune, no larger than 3†on a side, on the target of the Ritual. This Mark will remain as long as the Ritual with this ability remains on the Item and cannot be removed from the item while any Rituals of this batch remain. This ability may only be taken once. Plot must approve the design of the sigil to be placed on the Item.
Caster must have 5 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Quicken Casting - Reduce casting time by 20% with a maximum time reduction of 80% (4 purchases). The target of this ritual may refuse to allow the time reduction to work. This ability will not work with any Ritual which is listed as “Unavoidable†such as Obliterate, Divestiture or Banish to Other Plane.
Caster must have 10 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Conservative Casting - use 1 less component - can only be purchased once. This ability cannot be combined with any other skill that allows a reduction in component cost.
Caster must have 10 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Spark of Empowerment - Allows the Caster to “supercharge†the Ritual they are casting granting a greater effect for 24 hours or until the next Logistics Period. The exact nature of how a Ritual is more effective is up to the local Plot team. Under no circumstances can a Spark of Empowerment last longer than 24 hours. Examples include an Empowered Damage Aura which swings +4 or grants the Body carrier or a Bane item which renders the bearer immune to all effects it would normally Bane. After the 24 hour duration these items return to their base Ritual stats as the magic settles down. The more impressive Role Play and Ritual Casting performed the greater the Empowerments. This ability cannot be stacked with other Empowerment abilities.
Caster must have 10 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Disguised Casting – this Ability renders a Ritual so that observers and creatures in the area are not informed they “feel magic all around themâ€. This Ritual prevents the magical emanations which would alert creatures to the presence of the Ritual Caster. In addition anyone studying the Ritual is unable to determine if the Ritual is Earth, Celestial or Necromantic in nature.
Caster must have 10 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Choose Flaw - the Caster may choose to add a flaw to the item from one of the following guidelines. Casters may purchase this manipulation multiple times to add more flaws on items.
* Limit to a specific Race or prohibit a specific Race from using this item
* Require a specific Build Skill to use or requiring the user not have a specific Build Skill
* Require a certain action, phrase or gesture before, during or after activating
* Require the item be worn or held or manipulated in a certain way
* Only functions under specific conditions such as time of day or in specific weather
* Bearer takes half damage from (Element) while taking double damage from (Element) (this does not affect HEALING).
Caster must have 15 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Obvious Power – the Item has a Flaw added to it where anyone who inspects the Item is able to identify the Aspect of the magic (Earth, Celestial or Necromantic) without the need for a Greater Celestial Circle of Power or a Lore Ritual. The Aspect of the Ritual is also added to the Item Number on the Phys Rep such as C, E or N. If an Obfuscate Ritual exists on an Item or is added to the Item at any later time while this Ritual is still extant this ability will be removed.
Caster must have 15 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Touch of Empowerment – Allows the Caster to “supercharge†the Ritual they are casting granting a greater effect for five days. The exact nature of how a Ritual is more effective is up to the local Plot team. Under no circumstances can an Empowerment last longer than 5 days. Examples include an Empowered Damage Aura which swings +4 or grants the Body carrier or a Bane item which renders the bearer immune to all effects it would normally Bane. After the 5 day duration these items return to their base Ritual stats as the magic settles down. The more impressive Role Play and Ritual Casting performed the greater the Empowerments. This ability cannot be stacked with other Empowerment abilities.
Caster must have 20 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Terminate Ritual – This ability allows the Caster to voluntarily end the Ritual Casting with no ill effects. At any time during this Ritual the caster may activate the Ability ending the Casting and retaining possession of all the Ritual Components and Scrolls as if the Ritual had not been started.
Caster must have 20 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
True Conservation - use 2 less components - can only be purchased once. This ability cannot be combined with any other skill that allows a reduction in component cost.
Caster must have 25 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Alternate Component - The Caster may add 1 additional "base component" to the Scroll allowing them to gather resources easier. For example if a Scroll requires 3 Components (say Wand, Pyrotis and Jetsam) the Caster can then add Feyander. If they needed to find 24 Components they can now mix and match from these 4 Reagents (Wand, Pyrotis, Jetsam and Feyander) as long as they still have 1 of each of the Wand, Pyrotis and Jetsam listed on the scroll.
Caster must have 30 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
True Empowerment - Allows the Caster to “supercharge†the Ritual they are casting granting a greater effect for five days. The exact nature of how a Ritual is more effective is up to the local Plot team. Under no circumstances can an Empowerment last longer than 5 days. Examples include an Empowered Damage Aura which swings +4 or grants the Body carrier or a Bane item which renders the bearer immune to all effects it would normally Bane. Unlike other Empowerment abilities when a Truly Empowered Ritual fades back to normal it will leave behind a beneficial Flaw on the Item subject to the discretion of the Plot Committee. This Flaw will remain with the Ritual for its entire Duration and is not subject to the 5 day expiration. After the 5 day duration these items return to their base Ritual stats as the magic settles down. The more impressive Role Play and Ritual Casting performed the greater the Empowerments. This ability cannot be stacked with other Empowerment abilities.
Caster must have 35 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Casting Insight - The Caster can roll TWICE to determine the success chance of their Ritual and chooses whichever Die results they want. These results are taken before any other Manipulations or High Magic abilities are used. This ability may only be purchased once per Ritual. Caster must have 40 levels of formal from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the ritual to be cast.
Beverly Byers
Alliance Ritual Committee Chair
If there are any specific questions on the subject I will do my best to try and answer them (as I have had several very long conversations with Bev on the subject).