new to alliance larp denver

I'm new to larp and alliance larp Denver I was confused on one point in the rule book "your first event"
its in a situational perspective and it confused me. am I not supposed to bring a sword? and I only supposed to bring a dagger my first event? and can I bring my own armor or do I just start off with a plain medieval shirt, pant, boots and a hat? if someone could clarify this stuff for me that would be awesome. I am excited to start larping and cant wait to start, but if that is how I start out I would be a little bummed out.
Welcome to Alliance, Nar-Bul!

Those are just examples meant to walk you through a general understanding of what your first event could look like. Just insert for your own understanding words like, "Suppose... You have only a basic medieval shirt and pants which are not worth any Armor Points." It's just an example, nothing more.

You'll find that we have a super friendly community of players here. Anytime you have questions, please shout out here or on our Facebook group, "Alliance LARP Denver". You'll find tons of people eager to help you get setup for your first event -- which I hope will be this weekend, June 20-22 at Sky High Ranch!

Trace Moriarty
Welcome to Alliance, Nar-Bul!

Those are just examples meant to walk you through a general understanding of what your first event could look like. Just insert for your own understanding words like, "Suppose... You have only a basic medieval shirt and pants which are not worth any Armor Points." It's just an example, nothing more.

You'll find that we have a super friendly community of players here. Anytime you have questions, please shout out here or on our Facebook group, "Alliance LARP Denver". You'll find tons of people eager to help you get setup for your first event -- which I hope will be this weekend, June 20-22 at Sky High Ranch!

Trace Moriarty

I wont be able to make it this weekend but maybe next month, thank you for helping that clears things up. I hope to start going next month but still have some stuff to figure out and make my costume, and submit my character.