New Weapons for Sale


Young Masters and Mistresses,

I have recently discovered two new weapons. One is called a TrickleBlade, this weapon has the ability to hold alchemical weapon coatings and they can be dispensed at your leisure.

Redd comes across some bandits up to no good. He attacks them and swings normally for his first two swings. He knows that his first two swings have destroyed their armor, so now he hits the dispense button and hits the first highwayman for damage as well as the nausea poison that was stored in his blade. He then attacks the second highwayman and decides that he wants to take him down fast so he touches the dispense button again to load a vorpal serious coating on his blade then does it one more time to dispose of the fellow post haste.

For the first dose on a trickle blade it is 5 gold extra, the second dose is 15 gold and the third dose is 30 gold (note I am almost able to make the 3rd dose ones, it may be just a little longer).

The second weapon is called the HealersHelper, this weapon holds five potions in its hilt to be consumed at the owners will. They could all be magic armors....or cure mortal wounds, that is up to you. They should all be the same because it will be difficult to tell which is what, only if it is and empty or full vial. Imagine a long sword with 5 cure mortal wounds, this could easily turn the tide of a battle. Or even a dagger with 5 magic armors for our friends that use two weapons. I can probably add this modification to shields as well, but have not tried yet. This modification adds 15 gold to the base cost of the weapon.

Both the TrickleBlade and the HealersHelper are great candidates for strengthening, which adds another 7.5 gold to the price. Also remember I carry a full line of alchemy and potions for everyday use as well as for filling and refilling your weapons. Order now and I will through in your first fill on either weapon (substances of my choice).

Additionally I am able to sharpen weapons up to 3 extra dagger blows. The cost of sharpening follows the trickleblade schedule.

*edited to reflect accurate pricing and to add new information and services*
Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith
Prath Moore and Valdanis (Southern Michigan and Traverse City)
A reminder

Also, currently working on these items in new lands like Wayside will update when more is known