Newsletter! We need articles

Now is the time to write some articles about your adventures for the next newsletter. Do it now while it's fresh in your mind! Don't worry if someone else is writing about the same thing -- usually we can combine articles.

We also need gossip, letters to the editor, and public notices.

Deadline of next Friday, OK? MAY 3.

Email to me: -- please put "newsletter" in the header so I can find it easily when searching.
Re: Newsletter

Ronka said:
Mike would you like rumors as well?

It all depends on if the Plot Committee is doing rumor sheets any more.

Gossip is different from rumors -- gossip is true but embarrassing or funny. Gossip is always wanted for the newsletter.

I think I'll start a new thread about Rumor Sheets.
Plot is hesitant to write articles because they are worried of revealing things that players would not reveal. That's why we really rely upon submissions from players. Please write about what you and your team did. Don't worry if it doesn't cover everything, because if we get enough submissions we can tie them together into one big article that covers everything, and make sure you get credit for all the cool things you did.

This includes any modules you went on that you want to write about.
If you are worried that "none of the characters would speak of this" you can write it from the perspective of the people you helped save. Just a tip on how I handled a situation where I wanted an article about a fun mod, but none of the PC's involved are the type to talk to the newspaper.