Next Game Absence


Hey guys,

I have been really happy that I was able to move my schedule around so freely for so many months, that I could attend every single game up until now.. (yay)

That trend however ended this month, and my schedule threw me smack in the middle of a 4 day work weekend (Friday-Monday), normally I could beg or trade a shift off someone else, but I cannot do it for 3 days straight... so sadly I must say Mobeus will not be in attendance...

I will weep bitterly, for I so love this game... but on that note, the following gaming weekend I have the entire weekend off, so no trades needed..

Hope you have a fantastic time... :D
Boo! I will miss you!

I shall look foward to seeing you at the September event though! :thumbsup:
I'll be there with bells on... :D

Should be exciting stuff..
Tis so sad when we cant make it to game!! I also will not be there, I hate real life getting in the way of MY life! :mad: But on a happier note, September is going to be AMAZING!!

Hmmm, that's gonna make the trial a little interesting.
Dont worry Brett, I got the trial well in Hand! hee hee hee.... :twisted: I mean..... :D
Just what we need...

The Hero that Parson's Breach deserves... not the one they need...
inmates running the asylum.... :whistle:

No Klanger, No Sheriff and no Magistrate! I picked a FANTASTIC month to PC! :ninja:
mythic said:
inmates running the asylum.... :whistle:

No Klanger, No Sheriff and no Magistrate! I picked a FANTASTIC month to PC! :ninja:

Uhm... well Lauraunt has magistrate experience :D From another kingdom from beyond the mists... but still...

uh... I guess that puts Angus in charge as 2nd in command of the watch?
LOL. Have fun all.
Oh don't worry, wait, scratch that Sergeant-Major Angus has it all well in hand!

And it itches... :noway:
Well in Hand, indeed! I owned the shizznit out of Parsons Breach after the Colonial died, Then you all voted for a new power and got Adrur! silly humans! :lol: