Next gameday (10/10/04)


Ok, details on the next gameday. It will be a fell gameday, and I would like to do checking for everyone between 11 and 12. That means if you are not checked in by 12, you may miss the game. This means, if you have something that takes a while to do (makeup and costume) start early or show up in it.
If you know you are going to be late, PM me and I can keep you in mind. If your an NPC, show up by 11. By in this case meaning if you show up a little early thats cool. I often have pre-work for you to do.
If anyone has any questions, about this post, or just the gameday in question, feel free to PM me here (on this site) and I will reply to you best I can. Have fun.
I would like to advise everyone that we need to get started on Sunday ASAP. We have alot (and I mean alot) of extra-corricular activites after the gameday. Not that I dont like hanging out with you guys all day, or anything. Its just that we got alot of business to take care of.