Next IBGA Round- Kazzik Reads a Bedtime Story


In keeping with our attempts to streamline IBGAs down to make sure we are able to give quality responses to all PCs. For the 2016 season we are attempting this formula for IBGAs:

  1. Primary Action- This is the meat and potatoes of your IBGA -Please list all applicable COs as they will enhance the effect of your task- gaining additional information or allowing success at all depending on the action.
  2. A single secondary action related to your titles/property/magic item flaws or that follows up on a task given by a specific named NPC. We assume you take care of all resposiblities between markets this should be thought of as a minor action directly related to one of the above things. For clarity this is not a full action but a concise support action.
  3. Granted 1 inquiry of knowledge for any single CO you have. Think of this as a clarification or a bit of bonus info. This is not an action and should be thought of as a one sentence question and response.
Please note that rituals or items that provide ritual effects cannot be used in IBGAs- that is not to say we will never for story purposes have you involved in one but this seems to be an issue that comes up frequently. Whispering Wind items for the few of you lucky enough to have them may be used in place of letters however it should be noted that the IBGA period counts as one day for charge purposes. Sending a mundane letter whenever able is simply more realistic to the world.

The Current round of IBGAs will be due Monday October 3rd at 11:59PM. A 24 hour grace period for late IBGAs will be granted only if an email is recieved before the deadline requesting an extension. All IBGAs should be sent to

Our goal is to have all IBGAs out and back to you by the Monday of the event week.
It was. I personally can't say I like it :p

but it is certainly being worked on!
They will be sent out no later than Thursday.
That is 4 day earlier then first thought. Thank you Plot of the hard work and moving up your timelime to help us have more time to share with eachother.
Aw man, I feel like a jerk. I have misread this post sonce it was initially created as "Monday of next week." Sorry gang, my apologies. Carry on (and thank you!)
If it makes you feel better I finished yours last night
The first batch of IBGAs is out. The rest will be sent by Thursday.

Thanks everyone!
<Checks his e-mails and grumbles something about thwarting people taking a long time>
<Checks his e-mails and grumbles something about thwarting people taking a long time>

I feel your exact pain. :P

Yours will be batch two.
Thank you, Plot. Thank you so much. I am look forward to dealing with the situation you have handed me. Thank you.