Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar Mar 3, 2008 #1 I just thought it would be cool to remind everyone ..... DEADLANDS IS NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!!
Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar Mar 11, 2008 #2 39 days til Deadlands!!! feelin' the pressure yet??? WOOOT I"M EXCITED!
M Morai Specialist Mar 12, 2008 #3 16 Days to Ohio! (Makes the time seem shorter if you do something in between now and deadlands.) ~Joe
16 Days to Ohio! (Makes the time seem shorter if you do something in between now and deadlands.) ~Joe
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Mar 13, 2008 #4 Joe- You need to say it with a little more forcefulness... like: 15 DAYS TILL OHIO!!!!!!!!!
Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar Mar 13, 2008 #5 ohio is so far away!!!!! heepers....if i went all the way to ohio and didn't stop to see my family on the way i'd be pyoonished.
ohio is so far away!!!!! heepers....if i went all the way to ohio and didn't stop to see my family on the way i'd be pyoonished.
Lurin Paragon Mar 13, 2008 #6 Oi! You kids keep it down out there...If I have to come down from Minnesota there will be trouble! :lol:
Oi! You kids keep it down out there...If I have to come down from Minnesota there will be trouble! :lol:
Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar Mar 14, 2008 #8 minna sooooota! heheheheh sorry come on down..err...over? down....not sure which direction that would be really i don't have a globe...not sure if we're downer than you are...but come on out! we'll take ya on!
minna sooooota! heheheheh sorry come on down..err...over? down....not sure which direction that would be really i don't have a globe...not sure if we're downer than you are...but come on out! we'll take ya on!
R Rothsphere Novice Mar 17, 2008 #9 Honey thats why i drive the wagon : grabs the reigns: you get lost in the tavern let alone the way to it. LOL
Honey thats why i drive the wagon : grabs the reigns: you get lost in the tavern let alone the way to it. LOL