No Child Should be left behind.


Citizens of Gaden,

It is rare that I think in so public a manner, but recent events have compelled me to be more direct than I might otherwise be. We good citizens of Roskaria have of coursed followed the recent events in Gaden, but it was not until a few weeks ago that we became fully aware of the spirits that were being brought forth.

Having personally talked to one of the spirits last month, and hearing about their story, I am first thankful, that this "Gate of Wrath" has been depleted and those enslaved within were released. However I have heard that one remains trapped within. This youngest child of the children of autumn remains trapped inside.

Even a single spirit trapped against their will is unacceptable. In respect to the progress already made against this unacceptable situation, I have decided to send the seven story tellers of Roskaria to aid however they can. Both to help free this child and bring to justice any who took advantage of the situation or caused it to continue or be.

I know that our long support of your kingdom has made us friends and I am eager to hear about how effectively our story tellers are able to assist in this manner.

May your path forever be of your choosing,

King Palon,
Seventh Term Duly Elected King of Roskaria.