No students came ta me

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
I gave you an opportunity ta learn a lesson and bear dhe Stone of our people, and dhose unlearned enough ta bear and learn it refuse it. Bearer Ragnarok and Bearer Glav, you told me dhat a worthy student would come find me in dhe month after.

I waited. No students came ta me.

Perhaps you are not seeking ta learn dhe lessons like I dhought. Maybe a new Convergence is not ta come after all.

I have passed on dhe Stone ta a new Bearer, but it can still be held by a more worthy a student and Bearer. I spoke before dhe bare bones of dhe Stone's lesson. If you truly seek dhe true lesson and seek dhe Convergence like you claim, show me a student dhat needs dhe learnin' of it more dhan my own son.

- Ve'Kar, Shaman of the Levarin
Wise Shaman. Me sorry for being lax in duty. In truth I have been struggle to find good student. Me hope I may have found some. I may not make it to next gathering but both should be there. Cho Ko Nu, who me think need the lesson most. Roff the biata who may need it less but still can learn and more likely to take it. Me say so all can hear. If you think you have something to learn, dis might be time. We got a duty to da land. It might be time we start acting on it.


What you sign me up for? What all this be? Why you think you able speak for me? Me no agree for nothing yet.

-Cho Ko Nu