For what it's worth - there's been some mis-conceptions passed around since last event - someone came up with the notion that rocks could be used without a weapon skill. I just discovered this was false after going over the new weapon construction rules. I was planning on making rocks to throw and thus figured going through the new rules was a good idea. I think a few other people were planning on making rocks w/o investing in a skill - so I thought I'd pass this on;
(Also applicable when I joined I was told Daggers could be used without the skill until I found out that was ALSO false) There are NO weapons that can be used without a skill (except for a strange clause in waylay that lets you use 'an object' but that only applies to waylay attacks not any other combat)
(Also applicable when I joined I was told Daggers could be used without the skill until I found out that was ALSO false) There are NO weapons that can be used without a skill (except for a strange clause in waylay that lets you use 'an object' but that only applies to waylay attacks not any other combat)