No untrained weapons!

For what it's worth - there's been some mis-conceptions passed around since last event - someone came up with the notion that rocks could be used without a weapon skill. I just discovered this was false after going over the new weapon construction rules. I was planning on making rocks to throw and thus figured going through the new rules was a good idea. I think a few other people were planning on making rocks w/o investing in a skill - so I thought I'd pass this on;


(Also applicable when I joined I was told Daggers could be used without the skill until I found out that was ALSO false) There are NO weapons that can be used without a skill (except for a strange clause in waylay that lets you use 'an object' but that only applies to waylay attacks not any other combat)
Semi-related if you are a carrying or wielding a weapon you are untrained in (which actually is legal - even though you can't attack with it) you take the damage from an attack if it hits any part of the weapon (which would normally be a 'block') - which is a little weird if you are carrying a polearm technically people could attack the head of the polearm and you'd still take the damage. (I think the book recommends dropping an untrained weapon if you happen to be caught with one in your hands and combat begins since it actually winds up being a liability - but it's not significant enough for me to look up the exact wording on that.)
The advice you received was correct at the time it was given. Rocks only changed with the most recent rule change announcement.
bluecanary said:
The advice you received was correct at the time it was given. Rocks only changed with the most recent rule change announcement.

Per the thread I linked "There are no weapons that can be used without purchasing an applicable skill; this was always true." Hence, rocks always needed a skill (which is really odd considering there's no real benefit to them that I can determine over other thrown weapons - so the interpretation that they were untrained totally made sense to me despite that not actually being written anywhere I didn't think to check until this happened.)

It's moot now, regardless since it's now a lot more clear and Rocks no longer exist separately from Thrown weapons, nor do Javelins (which DID have a mechanical difference) - however was worth clarifying here in case some people did still have this belief.