Non-Event Weekend, Live Questing for Looking for Group Expo!

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June 26th-27th

In continuing with our efforts to spread the good word of larping, we are excited to announce that we will be providing the live questing and PVP at the Looking for Group Expo at the end of June! We have no upper limit of how many people are invited to participate and would love to see a great turn out of folks to help share our game with the gaming community at large.

The nitty gritty details.

Volunteers will help run multiple mod stations, involving puzzles, combat, and traps. Volunteers should have their best costuming to help us put our best foot forward, if you wish to come and npc mainly and do not have your costuming finished, please let us know and we'll make arraignments for you.

Live Questing will be from 10 am - 3 pm Saturday (5 hours) Including initial set up and 10am - 5 pm Sunday (Sunday will include live 'PVP' in the afternoon, with an hour break for lunch at 2)

All Volunteers will get a free VIP pass to the con, which is centered arround MMO gaming, and some folks maybe be sent out during the live questing to help drum up interest by interacting with the convention goers. The VIP passes include attendance at the con (before and after questing hours) a "VIP banquet" and attendance to the MMO Awards show/ceremony should you be interested.

Everyone that attends/helps will receive at least 120 goblin stamps, as well as entry into a raffle with some special suprises (still in development) for their attendance. Unfortunately this event is not eligible for experience gain (doh!).

Some Specific roles we need filled are....

1.) Dark Elves (a few)
2.) Mystic Wood elves and Wilderkyn
3.) Barbarians
4.) Undead Volunteers (Costuming and make up provided)
Hello Dave.
I should be able to come at least saturday.
And probably sunday but might be a half hour or so late.
Sounds fun.
I will be available to work both days of the convention, I'll talk to you about what roles privately.
I may be interested in being an Undead. I will check my schedule some more but it sounds fun.
If I can't go (I probably can't) I am willing to lend my armor out to someone who is going.

will be present and totally willing to be undead. sounds like a blast. -dawson
I might be willing to show up as Dure'dhel, but I need to check my calendar first (not to mention find my ears).

i'd be interested. i think i'm best qualified as undead, but i can fill whatever roll is needed. i just need a little bit of notice so i can get some better costuming
Tim and I are interested in helping out.

If you'd rather have a mystic wood elf than a gypsy, I have ears, horns and some spirit gum I've never used. I will need some help with them since I've never used them.
Lurin said:
Some Specific roles we need filled are....

1.) Dark Elves (a few)
2.) Mystic Wood elves and Wilderkyn
3.) Barbarians
4.) Undead Volunteers (Costuming and make up provided)

Hmm, looks like I'll be digging out my mask to play "Volpe the wolf Wilderkyn" again.

*Edit - I curse thy delete key...
This sounds like a lot of fun! Count me in for both days!

I can do my standard Barbarian or whatever is needed.

I also have professional entertainment PR, promotions, and recruitment experience that includes actively engaging the general public and would love to help spread the good word of LARP (just throwing it out there).
So I was at the beach today with a few of our Larpers. I brought my boffers and we duked it out for a while until a bunch of kids came up and watched, I showed them the basics and we were messing around for like 30 mins. I felt dandy running around healing dropped and tossing out pins and binds.
Terrel said:
So I was at the beach today with a few of our Larpers. I brought my boffers and we duked it out for a while until a bunch of kids came up and watched, I showed them the basics and we were messing around for like 30 mins. I felt dandy running around healing dropped and tossing out pins and binds.

Great story but a bit off topic, lets try to keep this for notes only about this event.

For those unable/not wanting to fit a specific request above, don't fret it, as long as we know you are coming, we'll fit you into the event in some significant fashion.
Kitty and I are still up for it, and if you want another Wildekin, I can see if I can get Uriel together if you can provide black and white makeup.
I do believe I am most definitely going to make it, and being an Undead.
Well start putting together a more complete list next week, we don't need/can't really use more then 4 undead or so and it seems like that is becoming a far to popular choice ^.^ So please have a back up idea in mind if you want to come :mrgreen:
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