North end fighter practices


Last event I believe it was mentioned to me that several of the newer folks live up in the north end (Everett, Marysville, etc).

Would you folks be interested in getting together for a fighter practice once or twice a month? I'm up for running 'em if you're interested in hitting each other.

We'd cover rules, fighting styles, safe combat, magic, packet throwing, packet making, and boffer making. Shoot, I can even go over some basic costuming stuff with ya' if that's what piques your interest.

Get in touch with me if that sounds interesting to you. Preferably with a day/time that works best for you. I'll see what I can cobble up for us, hey?

"Indiana Kenobi"
Diera said:
Last event I believe it was mentioned to me that several of the newer folks live up in the north end (Everett, Marysville, etc).

Would you folks be interested in getting together for a fighter practice once or twice a month? I'm up for running 'em if you're interested in hitting each other.

We'd cover rules, fighting styles, safe combat, magic, packet throwing, packet making, and boffer making. Shoot, I can even go over some basic costuming stuff with ya' if that's what piques your interest.

Get in touch with me if that sounds interesting to you. Preferably with a day/time that works best for you. I'll see what I can cobble up for us, hey?

"Indiana Kenobi"
where? I ask as hamlin is really close, and I didnt think there was any good place closer.
There's several parks up here that will work for fighter practices, but don't make the best module sites (though Jennings has been used by Seattle before).
Sounds like fun to me, and I would be willing to offer rides to those in the everette seattle area if needed.
I would like that, just would have to make sure it is not on any school days for me. Monday, Saturday, and Sunday are my days off or at least not in school.
I'd recommend against Jennings as it is frequented by 4 other larps each weekend, however I believe that many of them play exclusively on sundays. I'm not 100% on the saturday usage though.
Plus, would these be a Nero Seattle sponsored event, or just some people getting together to boff on each other?
More or less some people getting together to boff on each other, with me trying to help folks learn the rules.

How do folks feel about a Monday afternoon-type date?