Notice Regarding Rogueing within Indoor Areas

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Alliance Chicago

Chicago Staff
Dear players,

When we initially implemented the "No Rogueing" rule, it was in response to site restrictions that prohibited combat inside buildings, as such actions would have felt unchallengeable under those conditions. However, with the introduction of the "Take it Outside" rule, which provides players an outlet to address such situations, we believe it is now appropriate to permit rogueing within indoor areas.

Please note that this permission applies only to in-game tagged items as outlined in the Alliance Rulebook. Physical items, such as personal belongings or those sold by merchants in Merchant Row, are not covered under the rogueing rules and constitute actual theft if taken. For your convenience, we have included the excerpt from the rulebook in the post below.

We hope to bring back this aspect of the game to realign to a more consistent experience with other alliance chapters. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any owner.

Chicago Ownership (Alex McLean, Jared Myers, Ethan C. Rath, Derek Sturn, & Ian Sturn)
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This section references stealing Game Items only. This includes any tagged Items, Ritual Scrolls, coin, and other items or physreps created specifically for the Alliance game. If you find something that is not clearly tagged, return it to Chapter’s designated area (typically NPC camp) and ask your Plot Team whether it is in-game. Theft of any out-of-game personal property is unlawful and perpetrators may be banned from the game and reported to civil authorities. Stealing and Searching In-Game Items You are never allowed to destroy property in order to steal something. Do not “pick a person’s pocket” or otherwise touch items on their person unless you have received consent for physical roleplay. Game Money, Magic Items and Jewelry: You are allowed to take in-game currency. When taking jewelry or an item, always check to make sure it has an Item Number marker on it somewhere. If you are unsure, find a Marshal to double check that the item is in-game. If your Magic Item is stolen, you must immediately head to the Chapter’s designated area and turn over the Magic Item Tag. This is a requirement and may be performed out-of-game. Weapons: You must take the physrep of the weapon you are stealing.

Once you have stolen a weapon, you should then head immediately to the Chapter’s designated area to turn in the physrep. You cannot keep a player’s physrep since it is the personal property of that player. A marshal will give you an item tag for the stolen weapon. If your weapon is stolen, you should head to the Chapter’s designated area to retrieve your physrep. This is a requirement and may be performed out-of-game. The physrep may not be used again until you obtain a new tag. Some NPCs will have items that can be looted. Once you search these NPCs, they will hand you an Item tag instead of their physrep. Armor and other expensive items: Players have the right to refuse to turn over the physrep of their stolen armor. However, by refusing to turn it over, the player forfeits the right to later recognize the same armor if they encounter it in the world. Players may choose to allow the physrep to be taken along with the item tag, thus giving them the opportunity to recognize it later in-game; however in that case, the thief must return the physrep, while keeping the tag, to the Chapter’s designated area. This option applies for other expensive items such as jewelry. Spell Books and Recipe Books: Similar to expensive items, stolen Spell Books and Recipe Books must be brought to the Chapter’s Designated area where the Item tag will be removed and the physrep returned to its owner. Some players will mark their spell books with a note saying “this spell book is stealable.” In that case, you must take the actual book itself and, cannot remove the Item Tag and place it into a different book. Alchemy and Tinkering Globes: As these items are not associated with a specific physrep, in order to steal them, you must steal the tag. Other in-game items: Alliance often provides props such as maps, notes, books, and other informational items. Whether you find them on a mod or steal them from another player, take them to your Chapter’s designated area and speak with your Chapter Plot Team to ensure the stolen items are in-game.

Searching a Person If you encounter an incapacitated character or NPC, you may search them by saying “I search you.” You should not touch the person without consent. All game items must be turned over at that point. It is impossible to completely hide something on your body. However, if you are searched, you have the option of saying, “Describe your search.” The searcher must then describe what they are doing (e.g. “I am looking through your pockets,” “I am searching your cloak,” etc.) When the searcher asks about a place where an item is hidden, you must turn over the item at that point. You must have an item physically hidden where you say it is. If someone steals your Magic Item, do not give them the Magic Item Tag. Immediately go to the Chapter’s Designated Area and turn over the tag. This applies to magical weapons as well. Searching a Cabin/Sleeping Area A Rogue Marshal must be present in order to search a cabin, sleeping area, Circle of Power, or Ward. The Marshal will check the Marshal notes for the area to confirm the location of in-game and out-of-game areas, the location of any traps, and any other particulars. The Marshal does not have to be right next to you, but the Marshal must be aware and within sight. You must search the in-game area yourself. The Marshal will not retrieve items for you. The Marshal is there to ensure you properly disarm any traps, open locks without forcing or breaking them, respect any out-of-game areas, and monitor the situation for safety and fair play. Each chapter may have specific rules about where a player can hide items and what must be done in order to search a cabin or sleeping area, so check with the Marshal first before attempting to search or steal anything. You may not steal any personal items or items stored in out-of game areas. Destruction of property in any manner is not allowed.
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