Nov Banquet Favorites


Chicago Staff
No snow, good food, good company. Another good game, and another good season has come and gone. Christina, you outdid yourself on the cooking, and my only regret is that I didn’t eat about 4 more pounds of Turkey and Ham.


- Elemental Fist Bumps. It’s a thing, it’ll save lives, and it’s going to Wayside.
- Unicorn Corrupt mod. Love old school Corrupt fights. We retreated and then we all got back to fighting. Sorry if my responsibility guilt trip speech came off harsh, but we rallied around it and got a well-earned victory!
- The Dungeon mod. 6 people, in a live action dungeon raid. I love the strategy, the tactics and thought that goes into it. I know the next time we go in we’ll clear to 15 and then after that, it’s all the way to the top!
- Realizing the true Becker Pranceheart is Kaito without glasses.
- After a year, Lily still not being able to say Ilana’s name correctly. “It’s Ilana!”-5 people at once.
- Multiple accounts of information Gorka knows, but Lily doesn’t and hearing Andrea say, “Damnit Lily doesn’t know that”.
- “They’ve got Moonbeam!”
- Trying to collect blood and the Lunar magic from The Were-Lizard (don’t tell me his name if you never gave PCs his name!) and then being pulled away by everyone. I specifically told them if I tried that, to stop me, and they did.
- Minister Feathers asking Victor if he wanted some of the Merlot, then pouring all of it into his cup. Thanks for the N/A wine Emma, but man was it unpleasant.
- Others I surely can’t recall.
I'm definitely not a wine connoisseur but it really wasn't that bad. But I also think box wine tastes decent, so...

I'll post real favorites later, but long story short I had a lot of fun this weekend and I don't think I've crashed that hard after an event all year.
I have to agree with Ryan, the wine was gross and I apologise profusly.
Some favorites:

I got to be a node :D. I wasn't perfect at it, but I had fun!
Watching people enact their strategies in the mods.

I was watching the mod where pcs had to sneak in and just rooting for you guys. I was just like: Come on guys, you can do it! No, no, come in from the other side of the door, where it's darker...

And the blade eater mod. I know that I, as a monster, was at one point targeted specifically by the archers, but it was thrilling to me to see you working together to take me out. I can't wait to make an archer so I can join in!
Fighting the Dark Unicorn once again.
Trying to hold of 7 guys? Where did you all go??
Calling the retreat during the Unicorn fight to regroup and try again.
Aternating archery shots with Artimus at a Blade Eater (that looked like Jamina).
The Food!
GRONK, "These trolls are broken..."
Asher showing trolls elemental fist bumps.
Getting to go into the Methrin Sphere Dungeon.
The annual Best Dressed Contest
The Bathroom Squad
The Basin in Cyclops Mountain
The Crash Boar encounter
My page
Becker and his red belt circle - the guy I love to hate.
Minister Feathers giving me his wine at dinner.
Great job by new NPCs.