November 18th-20th IBGAs

Nate/Nyio Sorn

Wisconsin Staff
Greetings Everyone! It's that time again for IBGA’s.

For this round of IBGA’s, the deadline to have them in will be November 7th at 11:59 PM. Any sent in after this date and time will be considered late. These will be noted by the Plot Team but will not get a response. For this round everyone will be given 1 Major action. For your major action, you may choose something you would like to follow up on, or choose from one of the options below.

Lend your Skill to the Town: Spend your time assisting the town with your unique skills as adventurers. This would include defending the town, helping with farming, helping the wounded and sick, etc. Let us know how you would lend your aid in your IBGA.

Scout the Lands: Spend your time exploring and scouting the local area. If there is a specific region or area you would like to explore, please specify in your IBGA.

All responses will be sent out on November 14 early morning. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing what everyone is planning to do.