November Event Schedule


Crossroads Staff
Hey all!

Our season closer is a long-weekend event. Here's what that will look like:

- Game will begin on Friday night per usual.
- Game will end late Sunday night (~Midnight or so)
- We will have a site clean-up/season pack-up day (with plenty of gobbies awarded) on Monday, so please stay to help! The more hands we have helping, the quicker the process.
- There will be a third logistics on Sunday: You will receive 3 sets of logistics cards/battleboards when you check in on Friday.
- The tavern will be providing a meal to players on Sunday. Please make sure to indicate on the pre-reg form whether or not you are planning on eating on-site this weekend so food can be planned and prepped accordingly.

- On Monday, we will have a clean up day for packing the site up for the season. We will need a hand in:
- Sweeping the site for packets
- Taking down pavilion tents
- Breaking down NPC camp and moving it's contents to be packed away for the winter.
- Other small tasks

- Anyone who stays to help clean up the site will receive: 200 gobbies, 1 magic item pick, our eternal gratitude, possibly pie....probably pie.

Questions? Post here or shoot me an email at!
