November Event

Tom Andary

Wow, looks like we'll have a bunch of new faces at our closer :)

In the interests of keeping logistics times down, please send your tag requests to:
so we can have as much pre-pulled as possible.

See you in a couple weeks!
I will be a new Green face, though I may know a few of you from nationals. I am very ecited about coming up and sort of around. I'll send my stuff soon!

- Gorka
I'm a brand new player looking to start my first Alliance PC at the season closer. I'll be traveling to the November game with two of my buddies. They have much more experience with this system than I do and would like to hit the ground running. I'd rather not hold them back or place any undue burden on the Plot-meisters and Marshals so I plan to ask many many questions in the next few weeks regarding New Player policies, possible donations and writing a good background for bonus BPs. I'll post specific questions in appropriate threads wherever possible but please bear with me if I make rookie mistakes as I get settled in. Thanks in advance for your patience.

If all goes well, we hope to play nomadic PCs traveling between the South Michigan and Chicago chronicles in 2011.

- Scott W. (future player of Rebu Nelatochs of the Arden Vale AKA "Reb")
Question, how many gobbies if any do you get for NPCing?
Event npcs receive goblin stamps on a sliding scale based on how hard they work, and how much they help with cleanup. I've never given less than 60, but it is frequently much more than that, especially with cleanup.
twelvefootnine said:
I'm a brand new player looking to start my first Alliance PC at the season closer. I'll be traveling to the November game with two of my buddies. They have much more experience with this system than I do and would like to hit the ground running. I'd rather not hold them back or place any undue burden on the Plot-meisters and Marshals so I plan to ask many many questions in the next few weeks regarding New Player policies, possible donations and writing a good background for bonus BPs. I'll post specific questions in appropriate threads wherever possible but please bear with me if I make rookie mistakes as I get settled in. Thanks in advance for your patience.

If all goes well, we hope to play nomadic PCs traveling between the South Michigan and Chicago chronicles in 2011.

- Scott W. (future player of Rebu Nelatochs of the Arden Vale AKA "Reb")

Hey Scott,

Welcome! Ask all the questions you want. That's the only way to learn. I would advise asking them in one big thread, so all your answers will be centrally located. Everyone makes rookie mistakes, it's the nature of starting a new activity. As for a background, don't name yourself anything from popular literature, and write a back story that leaves a lot of things open. Make a character that has time to grow and develop as opposed to a fully fleshed out war machine of mercenary justice. Somi and Chicago rarely overlap event dates, so you should be able to travel back and forth pretty easily.

Everyone in this chapter was very welcoming when I started, so I am sure you will get the same treatment. Feel free to post here, or E-mail me at ""myusernameontheseboards" (got to fool those damn bots)

See you at the next event

Hey Guys,

Who's running the tavern this weekend and what scrumptious viddles are in store for us?

If there is a need, I might be able to either for a meal to take some pressure off of someone.

