November Pre-Regs

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So, Pre-registration is now open for the November Event.

You've all got till the 11th at 11:59 PM (That's friday night after the game day, by the way) to get them into me at:
logistics ( at )

So, get it in. Avoid the line. Save some cash. Let staff know you'll be there. You know the shtick.

Pre-Regs currently received:

No one! Be the first! Do it! Do it now!
Pre-Regs currently received:

Bryan G
Crystal A
Jacquelyn B
Seth B
Cymryc M
Amber W

As far as I can tell, all logistics requests have been answered.

Check your email boxes and re-send if you haven't gotten one.
Pre Regs Received (And this is it, folks!):

Amber W
Cymryc M
Seth B
Jacquelyn B
Crystal A
Bryan G
Adam S
Lucas L
Egor H
Phil T
Stephanie H
Jacob B
Cassandra M
Emily S
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