Now Hiring


I'm lookin' for a reliable shopkeeper for the upcomin' market days and, if it works out, for the next year as well. Y' should be willin' an' able t' take care o' the sales o' my wares, readin' an' writin' is good. Your pay will be 25% of the profits at the end o' the day. You MUST be 'onest. I shouldn' need t' say 'ow impor'ant this is. I don't care wot you do or 'ow you conduct yourself when you're not sellin' anything, while you're workin' for me all o' my business will be conducted above board.

If you're int'rested please feel free t' contact me personally. This is an easy way t' make some spare change if you 'ave the time t' kill. I don't right now.

-Miss Alyce Sharp,
Owner of Alyce's Bits & Bobbles