NPC benifits


I was just looking around for what benefits there were for NPCing and I couldn't seem to find where those are located.

Specifically I would like to know if NPCs get a free teacher card, what roles get you an MI pick, how many gobbies, and does your character get an automatic event blanket too?

Just wanted to make sure I was remembering the right policy.

Thank you
Typically, SoMN NPCs are given the following rewards:
  • NPCs are credited with a teacher card of their choice, to be added to the card of their choice
  • NPCs are granted 1 MI Pick per day they NPC
  • NPCs are usually granted 30 Goblin Stamps per day they NPC
  • An NPC's character of his/her choice is credited with the experience from the event
The only difference for the actual policy, is that NPCs MAY receive a bonus 30GS/day and possibly a bonus dependent on their participation with activities like clean up and organisation. Also, magic item picks are only awarded for full event attendance as an NPC at the rate of 1 per game day.

In example, if I come to a weekend event, but can only attend from friday night to mid day saturday, I will receive credit for the event on my character, 30 goblin stamps for helping set up and stay organized throughout the event, and a teacher card. Since I had to leave early I will NOT receive any magic item picks.

I will attempt to update the website with some of this info soon!
It's up on the website under Members > Membership at the bottom now. :D