
NEPA Staff
Heya True Believers!

Folks we are low on food and water for NPC camp. We are looking for Donations of bottles of water, cup-o-soups, fruit, snack bars, hot coacoa, etc.

If you are able please feed the angry frothing masses. These folks bust their hump to entertain and play with us and deserve every awesome we can provide.

For gobbies on these donations please hand in your receipt to Donna or Collin.

If you are already bringing cash or Food donations please comment it below so others know what to buy or not to buy. Thank you all so much!

Aka Grim
HQ head of Cust service
Just walked into Walmart. I'll grab a couple cases of water! ^_^
Edit: Picked up three cases of water! As well as a $5 donation.
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The kitchen has a large cup soup package in storage that I got for NPC camp at the start of the year. I'll pick up another tonight.

Head of Food
I'll grab some granola bars and assorted munchies.
I'm bring 5 cases of water.
Well I was going to grab water, but I think we're covered? I'll grab some kind of snacks.
I'll grab a couple bags o fruit and... maybe jerky? Something proteinish anyway.
Update: bringing granola bars and cocoa mix. Because cocoa is always acceptable.