npc food requests


NEPA Staff
Npcs for June, what do you guys want food wise? I usually do bags of fruit and cups of soup. What other things do you guys want? Powered Gatorade should still be there. Would lunch meat etc make sense? Lemme know

Oog kyle ic Grim
If there were actual stuff to make sandwiches I'd love you forever; I vote yes to lunch meat.
We actually have more cup of soup and ramen noodles than we can probably use this season all in the tavern. If any NPC wants some, just come on in and ask for them. (Please do so in game if possible!)
I'm more than ok with people donating food specifically for only npc use... that's just my opinion I guess. I will eat what you give us. That said, if we are already well stocked on the noodles then I would happily eat it and also a sandwich. :D It doesn't have to be one or the other *grins*
Vazhi said:
I'm more than ok with people donating food specifically for only npc use... that's just my opinion I guess. I will eat what you give us. That said, if we are already well stocked on the noodles then I would happily eat it and also a sandwich. :D It doesn't have to be one or the other *grins*

I have no problem with NPCs grabbing some of the soups and taking them to NPC camp; I just like having NPCs come into game to eat. It adds to the game atmosphere to have local farmers and merchants coming to the tavern.
i agree with Mike. I love to see normal folk in the tavern. it's nice too if your just eating with them and role playing talking about normal folks problems. Alliance isn't all orcs and necromancers. sometimes it's just lives of medieval type folks.
We try to send NPCs into game to eat, but sometimes they just need to inhale something quickly before running back out to get killed by PCs. :)

That being said, things that are good for NPC food:

Granola/cereal bars
Fresh Fruit
Individual packages of cereal, trail mix, nuts, raisins/other dried fruit
Pop tarts or similar
Bottled water/Gatorade

Quick microwave food (other than cup o noodles) like individual easy mac or chef boyardee or those sort of thing are nice too, though admittedly rather expensive when compared to ramen. Not sure how much a big package of something like that runs at like costco or something.

Individually packaged stuff is much easier than a big package of something when it comes to storage and keeping chipmunks and other critters out of the food. ;)
will be bring some ham, cheese and bananas. the ham and cheese will be for sandwaches if any one can help out by bring bread and like mayo that would be super cool.

Hope everyone liked what was provided!
Aggravain said:
Hope everyone liked what was provided!

I didnt like, I loved the food dude. Those burgers were awesome. Thank you so much for working so hard Saturday, I could see how exhausted you looked Saturday afternoon.