NPC Reward Packages November Event


Crossroads Staff
If you are NPC'ing the full weekend of our November event for us (meaning, not PC'ing at all) we have created some specific reward packages for you as a thank you for helping us out with running our season closer! Please see below for your package options.

To receive your package, please write down either option when you sign-in at the event or email me at to let me know which option you'd like to take.

PC Package option:
- designed for players who plan on PC'ing or PC our game regularly next season.
- 250 gobbies
- 1 extra Magic item pick

NPC Package option:
- designed for our committed NPCs
- 250 gobbies
- Guaranteed role in next season's arc plot (must be planning on NPC'ing the majority of next year's season so that plot can assign you a role)

Please contact me with any questions!