NPC Town character registration

I will have a 3 ring binder book at the Plot desk this weekend for all NPCs. When you create a town NPC, either as a plot hook or just as someone coming into the tavern for a meal, please take one of the sheets in the book and fill it out. That way, the next time you go out for a meal, you can be the same NPC (assuming the game takes place in Fairdale!). It will make our game a lot more realistic, and will also provide for more player interaction, because your NPC will make friends and will go to them for help in the future or may provide them with information they could use and so on.

There will be a form that will look something like this:

Player Name (last name first, so we can alphabetize them for easy retrieval)

NPC Name

NPC Race

NPC Occupation (They don't all have to be farmers, you know. It should be something you might know something about so you can talk about it in-game)

NPC skills (Most NPCs will be first level and will have crasftman skills based on their occupation but you may have a few more. Talk to Monster Desk to get this approved. And you may even get more skills the more weekends your NPC shows up)

NPC Mannerisms (Here's where you can make notes to remind yourself how to play that NPC -- "walks with a limp" or "always wears a purple cap" or "has a big mustache" -- whatever can make the character unique and identifiable next time you show up)

Player Friends (Here's where you can fill it in after you come back to NPC camp)

Notes (Here's where you can make other notes to help you keep your characters separate and remember which plots you were involved with)

Can anyone think of anything else that should be on these sheets?
Best. Idea. Ever.
Here's all the stuff I included on the similar form that I am introducing to the NPC Camp at NH at our opening event.

NPC Name:

Character Name:


Makeup Specifics:

Character Race/Monster Race:

Character Class (if any):

Level (if any):

Costume Specifics:

Defining Adjectives (happy, grumpy, sleepy, etc.):

Habits/Quirks (walks with a limp, licks lips often, calls everyone “Ace”, etc.):

Professions/Hobbies /Interests (loves to paint, is a cooper, dances like no one is watching, etc.):

Significant Relationships (mother, lover, allies, rivals, sworn enemy, etc.):

Character’s Immediate Goals (secure an alliance with a neighboring kingdom, etc.):

Character’s Long-Term Goals (establish high ogre supremacy, etc.):

Birthplace and Early History (wasn’t born in Texas but got there as soon as he could, etc.):

Significant Events (parents shot by a mugger in an alley after a play, etc.):

Darkest Secret (ran away instead of defending his family, is the Batman, etc.):

Character Statistics – Copy from monster card and include PC stats in the space below. Ask your Head of Rules or a
marshal for assistance, if you need help!

Feel free to copy. Pretty much all of that stuff is things directly cribbed from countless dozens of similar forms I have filled out over the course of a decade of acting.