NPCing for No credit

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My understanding of blanket rules is as follows, that you can never receive build credit for more than one event during the same dates unless you actually go attend as a PC at more than one event.

So if Player's PC 1 is homed in Chapter A, and PC 2 is homed in Chapter B, and A and B have events the same weekend, Player can drive between the two events and play at both and get credit for both.

But if Player NPCs a Saturday fair in Chapter B and gets one day of build on their PC 2 for NPCing, on the same weekend as a two day weekend event in Chapter A, they cannot also goblin stamp blanket the Chapter A two day weekend for PC 1. Correct?

So if Player really wants the two day weekend blanket for PC 1 at Chapter A because two days of build is great, but they only have the ability to attend Chapter B's single day fair, can Player forfeit any blanket from Chapter B? Can Player "work for free" so that they are able to blanket in the chapter that has the two day event instead of having to take the one day blanket?

Edit to clarify:
What I am asking is "Can I NPC a fair day and *completely decline to be credited or compensated*, so that I can instead blanket the weekend at a different chapter, because two days of build is better than one?"
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You are limited to one blanket of experience per player, per logistics period. You can earn that blanket by PC'ing the logistics period, by NPC'ing, or by using goblin points in the chapter (which basically counts as though you PC'd that logistics period) to "buy back" the logistics period (if faire day or module) or periods (if weekend event).. i.e. You can't earn double experience from a single logistics period even if you drive back and forth between sites/chapters.
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In your example, by NPCing for the Faire day, you could forgo the XP as the technical process is that you are granted Goblin stamps for npcing which you then spend immediately to blanket the event. So in that case you should be granted 30 goblins for npcing (at least), and take the credit for the 2 day event you pc'd or blanketed.

So yes, you can choose NOT to blanket an npc'd event in order to take advantage of playing/blanketing a different event. Please note that you cannot do this if you PC as you are required to receive XP for any event you PC on the character that you play.
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