I already said Marissa and I will both be there on the dark side
Sorry guys, I have to sit this one out. See you in July.
Caldaria Staff
Caldaria Rules Marshal
u can has toddo
It puts a tear in my eye to see all my NPCs so grown up and out on their own. Have a good weekend and try not to perm Elissa's character too quickly (I know you want her to NPC, but she should get a few hours of PCing in). ;)

mikestrauss said:
It puts a tear in my eye to see all my NPCs so grown up and out on their own. Have a good weekend and try not to perm Elissa's character too quickly (I know you want her to NPC, but she should get a few hours of PCing in). ;)


If I perm because of 'Shun all but THAT one', I'ma come for you Mike. I'ma come for you. :twisted: :lol:

Kotual said:
I'll be NPCing it ^-^

What? You're not standing with your Baron as he faces certain death at the hands of Vansir? For shame.
Telokh_Amdo said:
Kotual said:
I'll be NPCing it ^-^

What? You're not standing with your Baron as he faces certain death at the hands of Vansir? For shame.

The price is right for NPCing for me this time around.

So, Eric! Don't draw a black stone!
I know this is totally last minute... I will be NPCing for, like, 60% of the event (gotta leave Sat am to view apartments in Binghamton - woohoo) - anyhow, current ETA is between 8 & 9pm :-)