OCS: Veterinarian

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Pg 59 of the ARB under First Aid states:
First Aid allows the user to stabilize a dying creature (at -1 Body Points), bringing the recipient to zero Body Points. The person will then regain consciousness in ten minutes with one Body Point (the one on the Life Tag). This skill only works with humanlike physiologies (which includes all PC races and most other bipedal creatures such as goblins, gnolls, orcs, ogres, trolls, etc.). It will not work on animals (although a “Craftsman: veterinarian” skill will)

Pg 58 under Craftsman states:
This skill is used to add flavor to your character. It cannot be used to give a character any extra power in-game nor does it guarantee any information from the Plot Committee, although the Plot Committee may take it into consideration when distributing information or plotlines.

The inference of the First Aid rule is that the bonus ability to First Aid animals with Craftsman: Veterinarian is carte blanche - this skill lets you do this, no questions asked. The rule under Craftsman, otoh, indicates that this should not be the case, and may only be used as such under the direction of the Plot team. Is the First Aid reference a bit of a typo (maybe it should read "might" rather than "will"), or is it actually intended that this one Craftsman skill automatically grant you the bonus ability?
Pursuant to new communication policy, this post is to inform you that your question is currently being discussed by the ARC and once some clarification has been made, will be posted here. Depending on the level of clarification and discussion (and potential involvement of the Owners or other national staff, if needed) this may take time.

~Bryan Gregory
Member, ARC
It will not work on animals (although a “Craftsman: veterinarian” skill will)
should be changed to
It will not work on animals or other non-humanoid creatures (although, at a Plot team's discretion, an appropriate “Craftsman" skill might assist in this type of situation)

-Bryan Gregory
Member, ARC
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