And thus ends our HQ season of 2012! This year held lots of new elements for me, mostly because of the Assistant Manager position, but getting my hands dirty behind the scenes in a new way really gave me an even fuller appreciation for the game and the people who both create and play it. A great big thank you to our HQ Staff for all of your hard work and devotion to making our chapter successful, and to all of our loyal players...I can't wait to see you next year!
So, on to my favorites for this closer! And they are in particular order, of course, but there are many!
1. The "new blood" of Blythedale. Actively seeking and finding people interesting in donning the blue and white was great, and our battle tactics as a unit on the field worked wonderfully!
2. All things Red! Hearing her pledge of fealty and giving her my tabard to wear until she has one of her own. Sitting by her side as she braved Laguna's entering of her shrouded memories. And let me tell you, that redheaded Imladari fights like someone three-times as seasoned! Welcome to the team, Red. :thumbsup:
3. Sir Garathon, and his fully stepping into his well-earned position of leadership. Getting instantly drunk off of Dwarven Whiskey with him right before the Big Bad walked into town was choice! Now if only i could get used to bowing to him... :grrr:
4. The return of Baron Ivan Drake! Even if it was only for a few hours, it really felt good to have our Lord back on the field with us. And having to dodge his questions about Khorwyn's shady past is always fun. :emo:
5. Rom-pillar! Hijinks ensued when Khorwyn was asked to engage in some "ranger danger" by a group of orcs looking to get a pair of gypsy-cursed bunny ears removed from one of their own. What do you get when you add a magic caterpillar, a big spontaneous forest battle, a personal ad in the Ashbury Times looking for a "single male rabbit-kin" and a bout of honor combat together? An afternoon of hysterical adventure. :funny:
6. The Puritan's demise. Or was it? :er: Collin "Mother Frakkin'" Babcock really knows how to tug on this ranger's heartstrings. To finally face my arch-nemesis only to be robbed of the satisfaction of killing him bittersweet! Our back and forth dialogue, Huleen holding me back, blowing through four Poison Shields and three Banes just to get close enough to see the Puritan's face, the hallucinations of Khorwyn's dead love, the horrifying realization of his ultimate Alchemical creation...gah! Awesome. Something tells me this is not the end of his dark works, however, and I look forward to chasing down the next mystery.
7. N to the P to the C's! You guys and gals killed it this event. It's always nice to see so many fresh new faces really throwing themselves into volunteering. From Scott's electric enthusiasm to Patrick's thanking me for being "the scariest person on the field," I loved meeting (and fighting) all of you, and welcoming back our veterans in black as well!
8. Existential conversations with Kantil and Salvatore on the tavern balcony.
9. Getting punched in the face and kneed in the crotch by Qualin when I made the mistake of stepping in the middle of his "talk" with Sornelintion.
10. The frequent deflections of others' urgings for Khorwyn to take the Squire's path. Besides, I think three more is enough for now! :shock: Congrats to Dorian, Amaranthus, and Grim!
11. The growing teacher/student relationship of Khorwyn and Sornelintion.
12. Qualin's fireside inquiry: "Since you're a ranger, shouldn't you have, like, a bear?"
13. Castlebur and Kogara's delicious mid-afternoon burgers and brew!
14. The roast of Amaranthus! And no, not the one where we make fun of him, the one where he cooked an awesome roast for dinner!
15. The secret request of Khorwyn's quieter skill set, and the potential for it to change Icenia in a big way should we succeed. :ninja:
16. Teaching Ronka how to eviscerate a foe without even lifting a blade.
17. Mini Apple Pies! Ahhh! Thanks Sam! :yummy:
18, Charlie's accent!
19. Archery foolishness with Quyri!
I'm sure I'm missing things, but that's all I could squeeze out of my brain for now. Have a wonderful winter, everyone, and I'll see you next HQ season!