Oct. Closer Favorites!


NEPA Staff
Post what you liked about the event and the people and scenes made it funtjat
First off... NPCS, you guys rocked.
Next... Bill's food! The roast was awesome!
Seeing everyone again was awesome and I can't wait till spring rolls around again.

SUMMONING A LIFE ELEMENTAL KNIGHT ON MY OWN!!!!! Oh, and haveing it work and helping us smash through the final wave. It felt awesome to be able to pull in a really powerful benny made entirely out of treasure.

Having a great time on the gamemaster mod. It was alot of fun messing around and getting some random prizes for it.

Magic sword appears out of nowhere... probably a trap of some sort so obviously me and a few others immediately grab it before it starts even announcing that it needs assistance fighting undead.

Crazy stealth yeti... Where did he go????

Teaching a bunch of townsfolk the best way to catch and prepare a few various races.

Soaking a 50 elemental flame and still standing as a scholar, awwww yeah. Felt awesome.

Theres more but my brain is done for now.
A Fabulous season...it was always worth the 6-8 hours it took me to make each event. I someday dream of the day that the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania no longer find it necessary to have 3 miles of construction resulting in 12 miles of parking lots all on my route to come and play with you and (and beat many with foam).

Now for the favorites in no particular order:

-Hanging out with the Kitchen Crew in the mornings. You guys rocked! Bills is the man and the dishes are done! Yay Coffee!

- Realizing the proper followon move to and Arcane fear is......pose down!

- "I'm not here"...*magic paralysis* "He's right there"

-Soothing the savage beast...er Qualin

- Getting to meet and watch the new members of our growing team. You all did well and it was not just me that thought so. I know...I asked.

- Lesson time in front of Blythedale. Motion drills...yep that's right my little healer....motion drills.

- Deciding to ground the hood peice to my jacket right after the start of the Necro-tech fight only to come back over the bridge and realize that there is a body on the ground...that it is one of ours,...and that there is another one next to it....AND the pc line was far off and moving the wrong way. healing both and waiting while they refit armor only to over hear someone in the main force say something about "Don't worry about Simon". I am so going to bleed out and rez that way some day.

Seeing the new squires brought into the fold...And telling Grim about a little conversation that happened some time ago.

Old man crusty conversations with Gabriel. The difference between doing this a long time and too long is that if its is just long, then you still enjoy the stories and and laugh at what you see coming while thinking about the days when you did that. It has been a pleasure my friend!

Thanks to the NPC's, my Fellow players, and plot all seasons long. Take a break for a little bit and then let us all plan on how to make the next opener Grand!

Joe Siegel
aka Simon Neville
Occasional Yeti
All around grumpy man
Person with not enough titles
>insert witty quip here<
As always THANK YOU NPCS!!!!

So many new faces this event. It was so much fun.

-Chilling with Blythdale. You guys are so much fun. Even if there is only a few of us.
-Getting to interact with the Barron. Don't see you enough Eric. We miss you.
-The Puritan stuff. Really sad that no one woke me up. Hey everyone. If there is something that my character has ties in something and it comes out WAKE ME UP PLEASE!!! Still it was fun to RP with Dave about it.
-Running my Alchemy mod. I love you PCs but some times.....ugh. It worked out though and I hoped you enjoyed it.
-Being accepted into Blythdale!!! Super excited about this.
-Laguna. Collin I know you're in charge of my plot and all but I still love any interactions with Laguna. Not to mention the fun mind rp we did.
-Getting most of Red's memories back. Even if she didn't get all of them it was still neat to play pissed off angery Red.
-Chad, Lopez, Scotty, and Collin. Thank you all for the burgers and drinks. They were awesome!

My mind is dead and I'm forgetting thing....ill remember later.
I don't normally do this, but I must say this was my favorite event of my entire LARPing career. It isn't due to some large plot scheme that I'm a part of. It wasn't because I finally got on a team for the first time ever. It wasn't even because of the fat lootz I got. It was due to FINALLY having a character that is a name in town.

Favorites in no order:
Vox: I'd like 1500 arrows. Uthoc: FINALLY GET TO BATCH!
Being the chump who walks into a turn-based battle and incapacitates 2 of them by himself.
Killing a Death Troll with the fury of a hundred tiny 3-Normals!
Ket: Wait, you buy your arrows from my Baron!?
Healer's Guild shenanigans. You people are awesome and you should feel awesome.
Having only one other gasser in town. Everyone handed me their gasses and I went NUTS in the final wave. *FLAMING BALLS ORGY!*
I managed to have a conversation with Korwhyn(sp?) without breaking :)

NPCs, I love you. You all put up with me and I adore it. I appreciate you gunnin for me too, ya bastards! I know Vox is all sexy and you all want to swing your pipe at him, but really, he's a lovable guy and just wants to loot your corpses!

As a side note. I'm so glad I brought Vox into the game. A year and a half of only NPCing made me comfortable with the game. It's so sad I never want to again now that I know how awesome it is to PC haha. I think I'll still do 1/3 PC 2/3 NPC though :)

Wow - every time it gets funner! And that was Sornelintion's 1-year anniversary event :)

Favorites (in no particular order):
- This Black Ichor plot has definitely made things interesting, what with being pushed away from other forest folk and only visiting the forest once this weekend... And half the times I go down it is due directly to my insanity!

- Zat teaching me the higher circles of magic. Wow, that helped with my aim! And made me see how constricting my armor is for throwing packets accurately.

- My own mini-forest team, who followed me to Blythedale and kept me safe from nasty elves (Qualin and Ket!). Erdenerva and Kailani, you two rock! (Role-playing wise and skill-wise). Erdenerva, I still can't get over the fact that you were *using* your craftswoman skills in-game, and finished your hat. Kailani, I am happy you're around to watch my back, especially with the aim you demonstrated in the training of the 8th circle spells. And thank you both for your happiness :)

- Running with Blythedale and learning from my old master teacher, Khorwyn. Next up: ranger of Blythdale?

- Having another elf on our Blythedale team - Red rocked! Angel, your voice carried well in the battles and you kept things organized. I'd fight by Red's side any day :)

- Actually *seeing* a magic item as treasure - they really do exist in Icenia! And *almost* being able to afford it...

- Feeling comfortable enough with my skills (fighting and spells) to go on a bunch of mods. Yay, I'm closer to APL!

- Chatting with the Paladin, Sir Garathon, and Barron Ivan Drake about what it means to do the right thing and that becoming a noble is actually giving up your life for a cause, and realizing "I just gave up my life for a cause 2 months ago..."

- Huleen, I totally think you should be a noble! You seem to be around so often to separate us Ichor folks that I've started thinking "wow, this would be a good time for Huleen to show up" and expecting you to pop out of the rafters...

- Tracey speaking in the Falkirk accent...

- Castlebur cutting his beard.

- The Fae party! Wow, I wanted to hang out longer. I loved RPing with the unicorn!!!

- People being confused about me in so many ways: what's your name? which court are you walking with? why do you think Qualin is undead? why are you in a blood rage and hitting that thing with ineffective normal weapons? why did you get banished from your homeland?

Wow - great times! I'm gonna miss y'all!

Patrick / Sornelintion (Saur-neh-lin-tea-in)
Hey. I'm not dead yet!

--- Thank you NPC's! You guys had a lot of energy and gave us a real challenge! You guys rock as always!

--- Thank you PC's! So many awesome reactions to the fact that the crazy guy lives again!

--- Having some quality time the Best Archery Teacher/ The Worst Actual Archer.

--- Life Elementals! Always a good idea!

--- Alchemy guy! I love playing alchemy guy... and yes, when I say really tie me up, I mean it.

--- "I'll just do a quick NPC shift..." - "Kantil, where did you go for 6 hours?!"

--- Seeing someone evil yet important die right before my eyes...all the while I'm charmed and hallucinating.

--- Rolling out with the Balls again...deeper than ever!

--- Seeing how permanent death has affected Kantil. Now I'm the one yelling at those who charge ahead recklessly. This'll be interesting.

--- Squirefest 612.

I could sit here and make this all squishly and what not but what it comes down to is, you guys and gals, PC"s, NPC's, Staff, Pseudo-Staff are all amazing and I appreciate what each and everyone one of you does for the game. And I can not wait for next season to begin anew!
Oh my... where to start.

Icenians! my awesome, gold stuffed, alcohol dependent Icenians! Charlie loves you IG and I love the player OOG, you guys rock!

Now, on to more specifics

First and foremost, NPCS!!!! you are gods among mortals, thank you for everything you do for the game. YOU ARE THE GAME!

Food Committee, and Bill most of all. Sir, you do a great service to all who play, both pc and npc. Thank you for the entire season. That last meal was epic!

Plot and all who contribute, great ideas, great execution, great storyline, great season... great job!

On to more specific specifics

The bar went over so much better then I expected! Thank you all for the compliments, my character was thrilled In game for the feedback, and I was thrilled oog for it as well. It was both our pleasures to serve. I hope that many can come to the Gettysburg chapter, where Charlie will be very glad to see you.

Dave T, your wild kin is always a blast to see, I hope to see much of him next year. Thanks for the Heavy Crossbow loan, it will be put to good use!

Angel! My main still has never met red, after nearly 9 years of playing Izer, it is Charlie who gets to meet Red and not him! Congrats on Blythsdale, they gained an asset this event. Red is da bomb.

Monty! Monty! Monty! Monty! Monty! Monty, is the most respected Dwarf Charlie has ever met. The character is quickly becoming a HQ favorite of mine.

Fae plot! I loves me some fae

Scotty and Chad, how ofter can I trade a bottle of nesquick and water for a burger? Good roleplay, good Food!

Tom! Charlie will always keep Mead in supply on the off chance Ulthoc ever makes it to Barran, you flooded my treasury for Apple juice, all for IG role play, **** yeah brother, **** yeah!

Joe S. Thank you for all the help this weekend. You really made the meals run smoother, and the coffee was superb! Thanks bud!

I'm sure I am forgetting much, and will regret not writting it down here. Thank you to all who were at the event, it was great, and I hope to see you at GBurg soon.

See you all next year!
Mike Brenizer said:
Angel! My main still has never met red, after nearly 9 years of playing Izer, it is Charlie who gets to meet Red and not him! Congrats on Blythsdale, they gained an asset this event. Red is da bomb

Awwwww thanks!! He'll meet her soon.
Wow, what a fun event! I had a really great time! I'm going to try to work backwards through the timeline of the event.

Mike, it's been a BLAST to have a chance to play my Kin with Charlie. I almost want to coordinate with you're schedule next year so I can be certain to show up to all the events he's bar tending! It really ads so much to the game and the atmosphere.

Sunday morning I was a bit disappointed we didn't get to 'go after' Toddo's big bad death dude... Hopefully that will be a fun writeup. :)

Thanks to all the other archers that helped share/return packets all weekend! I bring like 400+ to any event I'm playing my eagle and it's nice to be able to recover most of those. I think my final 'used arrow' count for the weekend was 780! :thumbsup:

RP with the Blythdale folks. I'd love to go hunt the Blythdale monster! It was also awesome to get to use my earth aura bow even if for only one mod. It was epic being the 'bazuka' for that mod and having everyone else taking care of status affects and shields! Sword appears in the tavern asking for help about undead... Good times. ^_^

Killing the 'Ichor' beast with Qualin, and then catching up with Simon on the details afterwards. Man that was intense, I shot all 140 arrows! I'm gonna have to figure out how to cary more on me! ^_^

So many archers, Korwin, Ket, Violet, MWE girl (sorry i forgot you're character name), Charlie!! w00t! I'm starting to think that I might try to start and archery 'guild' and start seeing if I can't get us to fight as a group. We will rain down arrows on poor NPCs!

Sleeping MikeD's first big wurm. So surprised that worked! Quyri is almost certain that guy had a 20 threshold... Quyri is gonna work that much harder to get his damage up there!

All the NPCs!! Guys in the Binginton larp group that come down our opener and closer. Seriously it's awesome!! :)

Ya'll probably going to be seeing a bit more of Quyri next season. I can't wait!
And thus ends our HQ season of 2012! This year held lots of new elements for me, mostly because of the Assistant Manager position, but getting my hands dirty behind the scenes in a new way really gave me an even fuller appreciation for the game and the people who both create and play it. A great big thank you to our HQ Staff for all of your hard work and devotion to making our chapter successful, and to all of our loyal players...I can't wait to see you next year! :D

So, on to my favorites for this closer! And they are in particular order, of course, but there are many!

1. The "new blood" of Blythedale. Actively seeking and finding people interesting in donning the blue and white was great, and our battle tactics as a unit on the field worked wonderfully! :cool:
2. All things Red! Hearing her pledge of fealty and giving her my tabard to wear until she has one of her own. Sitting by her side as she braved Laguna's entering of her shrouded memories. And let me tell you, that redheaded Imladari fights like someone three-times as seasoned! Welcome to the team, Red. :thumbsup:
3. Sir Garathon, and his fully stepping into his well-earned position of leadership. Getting instantly drunk off of Dwarven Whiskey with him right before the Big Bad walked into town was choice! Now if only i could get used to bowing to him... :grrr:
4. The return of Baron Ivan Drake! Even if it was only for a few hours, it really felt good to have our Lord back on the field with us. And having to dodge his questions about Khorwyn's shady past is always fun. :emo:
5. Rom-pillar! Hijinks ensued when Khorwyn was asked to engage in some "ranger danger" by a group of orcs looking to get a pair of gypsy-cursed bunny ears removed from one of their own. What do you get when you add a magic caterpillar, a big spontaneous forest battle, a personal ad in the Ashbury Times looking for a "single male rabbit-kin" and a bout of honor combat together? An afternoon of hysterical adventure. :funny:
6. The Puritan's demise. Or was it? :er: Collin "Mother Frakkin'" Babcock really knows how to tug on this ranger's heartstrings. To finally face my arch-nemesis only to be robbed of the satisfaction of killing him myself.....so bittersweet! Our back and forth dialogue, Huleen holding me back, blowing through four Poison Shields and three Banes just to get close enough to see the Puritan's face, the hallucinations of Khorwyn's dead love, the horrifying realization of his ultimate Alchemical creation...gah! Awesome. Something tells me this is not the end of his dark works, however, and I look forward to chasing down the next mystery.
7. N to the P to the C's! You guys and gals killed it this event. It's always nice to see so many fresh new faces really throwing themselves into volunteering. From Scott's electric enthusiasm to Patrick's thanking me for being "the scariest person on the field," I loved meeting (and fighting) all of you, and welcoming back our veterans in black as well!
8. Existential conversations with Kantil and Salvatore on the tavern balcony.
9. Getting punched in the face and kneed in the crotch by Qualin when I made the mistake of stepping in the middle of his "talk" with Sornelintion. :oops:
10. The frequent deflections of others' urgings for Khorwyn to take the Squire's path. Besides, I think three more is enough for now! :shock: Congrats to Dorian, Amaranthus, and Grim!
11. The growing teacher/student relationship of Khorwyn and Sornelintion.
12. Qualin's fireside inquiry: "Since you're a ranger, shouldn't you have, like, a bear?"
13. Castlebur and Kogara's delicious mid-afternoon burgers and brew!
14. The roast of Amaranthus! And no, not the one where we make fun of him, the one where he cooked an awesome roast for dinner! ;)
15. The secret request of Khorwyn's quieter skill set, and the potential for it to change Icenia in a big way should we succeed. :ninja:
16. Teaching Ronka how to eviscerate a foe without even lifting a blade.
17. Mini Apple Pies! Ahhh! Thanks Sam! :yummy:
18, Charlie's accent!
19. Archery foolishness with Quyri!

I'm sure I'm missing things, but that's all I could squeeze out of my brain for now. Have a wonderful winter, everyone, and I'll see you next HQ season! :)
Sorry this took so long. Just dont want it to end. This year was my favorite thus far. Our team put alot of thought and effort into things and got a ton out of it. Plot thnks a ton for letting the risks be worthwhile. NPC's you make the story and feed off us so well., Thank you all. Players.. folks I have had some amazing times rping and fighting with you all. thanks for what everyone did.

1 The Vanguard. Out in force and recognized.
2. Getting squired.
3. Not fugging up the squire oath and throwing in some 40k references.
4. laughing.. so many awesome moments.
5. Monty... all he monty
6. Life elemental awesomeness and Calhb for volunteering for it.
7. working with castlebur and kotual love those guys.
8. squire training and a glimpse at grim in twenty years... paladin mebbe? I dug Garron Hallow.
9. TOM AKA NOOT YESSSS dude on point in combat helpful everywhere even letting me do the rp scene before. I really dug that.
10. the "spirited" discussion between grim and the altcroft.
11. Laguna.. yes.
13. Watching Ruis beat the smack out the rhemoraz.
14. Giving larien her sash.
15. Breaking toddo on the order elemental plane fight
16. Tom leaping...so much leaping
17 Squires everywhere

theres more.. but brain gone love all!