Oct, event favorites

Wow guys, what a fantastic event. I don't as often post favorites anymore, but as I sit here at the airport I gotta say every event I keep playing out here in MN just makes me that much more excited for the next! ^_^

I had a ton of fun this event guys, and I hope ya'll had as much playing it as we have fun running it. Really the reason we keep doing all the work and shenanigans we keep doing to make these events happen is because people have fun doing it.

In no particular order:
1. No!!!!!!!! No, No, No, No, No, the PC reactions after the reveal of Jason Runeforge
2. "Wait, which backlash did they roll? Oh dam..." and the ensuing plot get together/discussion of how we would need to rearrange the rest of the event schedule...
3. Oliver: "Gandian, let's have a spell dual", Oliver: disarm, Gandian: spellshield, disarm, Oliver: reflect. Gandian: dam... Sorcerer knows his tricks ;)
4. Brent, Teague, Kristin, Nathan, Adam, Doug, Emilyn, Steven, Clowe, and all the PC's who hopped fence to help us out from time to time. The NPC numbers were a bit rough this event but we got it done!
5. Dure'dhel, for requesting a ritual marshal more times in 24 hours than we've ever had ritual marshals requested in the whole history of the chapter...
6. Kendra, for finally giving Sir Durthang another savage race who is smart to squire!
7. I don't think I've ever before played so many full head makeup roles all in one weekend... Coatle, Eldarion, Jason, Durthang, Jane, Coatle... and you guys make it totally worth it!
8. Big thanks to Paul for being a champ and allowing us to do our crazy all night long ritual casting Friday night!
9. Sarah, Alexander, and others who helped out with logistics!
10. Heyu and Gabrial for particularly pissing off the Coatle with gasses and coatings... That Rabbit sure picks quite the enemy! ^_^
11. And so many others guys.

Can't wait to see everyone at the castle!!! :D
Great event, I had a lot of fun, thanks to the plot team, the logistics team, the kitchen staff, the NPC's and everybody else who makes up this great community :)
-Pre-Lay-On discussions with Miranda, Marshall, and Ted, i'm still cleaning off my shield :thumbsup:
-Drinking contest with Nowan, if I hadn't had 8 mugs of Powerade, I'm sure that I would have won that.
-My hat, I really like the hat, it's very warm and fits like a charm, thank you so much Gorka :D
-Ritual of Remembrance Friday Night and missing Fern's speech... I wish that Thorgrim had been there to hear it...
-Talking to Fern after the Ritual, its nice to know that Thorgrim is so highly regarded despite being so new to the community :)
-Spirit Shepard, man that guy is scary.
-Helping the Dryads defend against the evil, scary, necro-spiders (whom I refuse to call Attercobs :P )
-Learning Healing Arts from Jonathan
-The Trolls and the Stone Elf who was not a Stone Elf, still slightly unclear on what happened there...
-Gorka teaching Thorgrim Healing Theory, can't wait to learn more about being a healer :)
-Dinner. BEST. HOTDISH. EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-The Cursed Stone Elemental, even though we weren't supposed to hear the imaginary Lightning Elementals IG, it was hard to refrain from laughing at some of the insults, you guys threw at that poor elemental.
-The Mist Caves, that was a tough battle, both times, although the second time was very fun, especially with all of the singing :funny:
-Fighting as a unit with the Black Wolves, that was a very effective formation the few times we were able to use it :)
-And more!

Again, thanks to everyone for making the game fun, I look forward to the next time that I can go to another event :)

*Edit: After Event Favorite.
-Coming home after the event feeling very happy about how things went, getting onto the forums and seeing Kendra post that Gorka permed, that made me very sad. :(

I had a few favorites this weekend.
1. Gorka's epic death. This was a shocker and i am glad i didn't go to sleep before this. Because i usually do.(also Brent much thanks on my request. But it won't be the only one.)
2. Being let into the Celestial guild and being Dure'dhel's apprentice.
3. Being part of the giant battle with coatl and others.
4. Going on a late night mod Saturday night after all that happened.
5. Going to mist caves with Dure'dhel.
There is more but that's all my brain will let me remember now.
Thanks to all the PC's that worked so hard to put on this event.
There were not many of you but you made it seem like there was.

This was a crazy event, thank you to the hard working staff and NPC's who made this such a crazy roller coaster of an event.

-Getting to hand out belt flags to the Black Wolves, was a good feeling seeing those around town finally.
-Remembrance fire and starting the remembrance of Crow.
-The spirit that haunted York (Thanks Teague!)
-Dealing with people for components
-Return of Runeforge! DUM DUM DUMMMMMM!
-Even though it caused so much terrible the ritual casting was amazing, (Thanks Ryan!)
-Mist caving haven't done that in a while.
-What does it take to put York in the earth circle? Three greater corrupt apparently.
-Black Wolves Earth Circle reunion!
-Gorka's epic death (I'm sorry Andrea!)
-Vampire face stomping time, that was good stress release (Thanks Alexander)
-Shadows Light Golem, have to admit that was pretty awesome.

Very excited to see where things go and hope to see you all soon!
Thank you NPC's! This was one of the roughest RP weekends I've ever had and it was so worth every second of it

-Making Gabriel cower when he said 'don't worry, she's not coming back' with Regan in the earth circle. Fear the angry orc!
-Aowyn and Keallit talking about their aweful luck when they try to spend any time together seconds before the corrupt fight started
-Calling down the rain with the wild women in town and Squire Von Gryphon
-Shanthony telling Keallit he appreciated her and then blacking out
-The dreaming mod after all the chaos of fighting the corrupt
-Everything to do with the box mod. That was a really hard fight! And then having to watch the aftermath with Roy was rough
-Standing with Regan at the Ritual of Rememberance
-Benjamin handing out cupcakes, always fantastic!
-Val's gummy bears
-Head scratchies for Jehyu. I was so cold till the bunny with the heavy cloak took over my lap!
-The Vampire fight. He ran right past me without even pausing screaming 'what did I do?!?!?!?!' followed shortly by the angry lynch mod that is town after a rough saturday night fight
Definitely had a great weekend once again. Very glad to be back and a warm thank-you to the NPCs (and fence-jumpers) for putting together some great encounters!

Now on to the main event!
-Thorgrim, Anthony, Johnathan, Vadis death-wall.
-Gorka teaching First Aid on Friday night. With special guests Fern and Kit.
-Gorka nick-names the newbies.
-The Mist encounters were very cool, we got wiped out pretty hard the first one but the lessons learned were great to think on (at least for me, Vadis isn't quite that deep).
-Fuzz Bears
-Discussing with Gabriel how much better food is at the Tavern than rolling with an army. "Wait...spiced oatmeal?"
-Party in the Earth Circle!!
-Gorka's sending-off was a great event.
-York Assasinating an Ant.
-The reveal of Jason Runeforge was really sweet. There were some pretty great responses to that, including but not limited to "I WILL DESTROY YOU FOREVER" "Aw man, did I really do that?" "What's going on?" and "Dammnit all, I hate magic"
-End-of-weekend Monster-stomp against the Vampire. It was nice to be violently over-prepared for something for once.

EDIT: I would like to ammend my statement about Gorka's death and sending off. I put it in too few words for an event that singlehandedly opened my character up. Gorka was a huge influence on Vadis and her death is now a singularly powerful driving force for him. I am very sad to see Gorka go but grateful for the effect it has on not only my own character, but in bringing the town together as a whole.
I know I'm going to miss some stuff; this was a really good event with a lot of intense fighting and intense role-playing.

Hopping fence for DG's mod Friday night. I always like NPCing for at least part of the event.
Holding my own against the Unicorn. "Prepare to die, Eviscerate! Riposte! Riposte! Parry!" Like I keep saying, if I shout it louder, it'll do more damage.
"Oh, am I the wrong donkey!?"
Defending the Dryad village Saturday morning and finding out the Dryads all know my name and know how I'm helping them out. Thanks for the plot love, Teague!
Alternately, Regan and I getting knocked out during that fight without any Life spells - I was completely convinced we were going to resurrect before our reinforcements showed up. After the Dryad healer sacrificed himself to bring Regan back, I'm glad Gorka was able to help us find him a life spell.
I still don't know how to react to Jane gassing me down, dropping me in a circle, and casting a ritual only to find out he was enchanting a pin with 3/ever Life. Apparently he's not that bad? The elemental shield he gave me kept me alive in the Corrupt fight, too.
"No! No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Gandian needs to learn to relax.
The second Corrupt fight. I'm really glad we were able to take down two of the three greater corrupt even if they just went back to the Weave again. Stupid Coatl.
The ants! "Gather. Gather. Gather." It's impressive how much stuff they took before anyone knew they were there. The look on Dure'dhel's face when they tried to take Kendra's sword was great.
The excursion into The Pit. I'm glad we all took on clay golems - most golem materials would have left Briar shivering in a corner for a while afterward.
The vampire fight Sunday morning. Waking up to York asking if I wanted to kill a vampire made me very happy, and getting to be one of the targets of the ritual of woe was really nice. I know the vampire wasn't actually trying to hurt anybody, so I almost feel a tiny twinge of pity, but it's still undead. Undead stuff gets killed, and getting to chase the vampire in circles with York was way too much fun. I also really liked standing over the body with me, Asher, and Kendra pulling out our stakes trying to simultaneously KB it.

My absolute favorite part of the event, though, was the town's reaction to Gorka's death. I've been larping for nearly five years now and that is the most intense RP I've ever experienced. I really hate to see Gorka go, but I can't imagine a better way for it to have happened.
First, I'd like to apologize for needing to leave so abruptly on Sunday & not being able to participate with all of you on Saturday evening. Unfortunately, I had inadvertently re-injured the very same knee that was almost recovered from that bloody burst Bakers cyst, by stumbling into a pothole after the Fire Salamander egg rescue. (Okay maybe I should blame the Chimeric spirits for trying to train Taz on how to bend his knee backwards then talk and act like a rather cranky complete fuzz brain while on pain meds!) :wacko:

My faves in no particular order:
- Smelling tasty meat aroma all Saturday and having some very excellent Hotdish for dinner!
- Participating in the battle with the Unicorn and Coatl.
- Figuring out how to fight the 'living iron' cliff face creatures to harvest their precious metals.
- Having Jamina on one side of me demanding that someone point out the unicorn to her, and then having unicorn run up to someone on the other side of me & start beating the tar of them as that same individual exclaimed, "RIGHT THERE!" and Jamina totally misses out seeing it before it runs away by looking in the >opposite< direction. :funny:
- Brainstorming several research project possibilities with Gabriel, not to mention getting some lessons in how to live 'the mystic wood elf' way.
- Remembering Crow while at the Remembrance fire.
- Hearing about Gorka's epic death. I am so sorry I missed that! :(
- doing a little wheeling & dealing with Fern & Iganeous about working on project that should benefit Shademarch.
- Winding up in a very heated moral disagreement with Tondra about saving our friends, which had Jamina very upset & confused about on who's side she might have to take if a fight did break out between us.
- Explaining that Dwarves don't shave, they just stick their heads in their forge fires for that 'nicely trimmed' look.
- Benjamin & cupcakes. Enuf said!

And probably most important - Thank You, NPC's!
tazoulti said:
First, I'd like to apologize for needing to leave so abruptly on Sunday & not being able to participate with all of you on Saturday evening. Unfortunately, I had inadvertently re-injured the very same knee that was almost recovered from that bloody burst Bakers cyst, by stumbling into a pothole after the Fire Salamander egg rescue. (Okay maybe I should blame the Chimeric spirits for trying to train Taz on how to bend his knee backwards then talk and act like a rather cranky complete fuzz brain while on pain meds!) :wacko:
I was admittedly sad to see you go, since Vadis wanted to talk to Tazoulti a bit. But take care of yourself first! Quick healing.
Thank You Everyone for a good event.

A few favorites I can remember at the moment. I have a lot of good moments from this event but a few that come to mind and make sense to others are

-the opening box mod tapping most of Kits healing, I have not run out of curelights in mem in a long time
-first aid training, or should I say bleeding with Gorka and several students
-late night teaching asura, silly me thought I would not see him again
-the bunny sacrificing himself for regan...I was angry he was going to resurrect her and than like ohhh.
-sleepy time hat troll chief...never had a boss looked so stylish
-"Is that sanitary"...seriously
-Tals little smirk of Im not going but not going to say it
-Rai ceremony and everyone universally refusing to drink each others blood
-Squire the Ninja Gryphon...seriously had no idea you were in the tea tent
-all things box of wealth and woe, especially feeling so helpless in the tavern with Roy...and than realizing I atleast had one command...charm hold him
-giving three decent resurection stories,
-late night Sat rps and oog talks always such a good time.

-Everything related to Gorkas Perm except the fact it happened at all. I felt everyone did a very good job with this. I truly love my family and familia on this rp. I want to point out so many moments from this but fear this would become far to long. I do apologize to Skye if she was actually asleep in the ward when I Iced out.
-The one thing I will point out is how good of a come together moment the town almost unanimously refusing my gold pay out was.
Thank you to all the NPC's and fence hoppers this event. It was the best birthday present.

-Friday night talks with Durdhel and Gorka
-Ritual of Remembrance (even though we got snowed on)
-Being a part of the Celestial Guild meeting and getting to "duel" Dure'dhel as a teaching moment (that was great)
-Going to the Misty Caves and doing ok the first time and then having everyone booted out during the 2nd run. Whoops.
-Going back to the Misty Caves with Dur'dhel, thinking we had too many people only to find out we could have used more. Those NPCs did an awesome job!!!
-Being there for the York's ritual.
-Having all 3 greater corrupt show up for the battle. That was a surprise.
- Trying to kill off the portals.
- The rp that resulted from Gorka's death. I was very upset to see Gorka go. Kitaruen surprising me. (I wasn't sleeping.)

-I almost forgot the troll mod where Jason Runneforge comes back. Gandian rp was great. As was Dur'dhel's explaination afterwards.

The best part of the whole weekend is seeing everyone and getting to rp with great people.
What a crazy event....but enjoyable none-the-less! Thanks to everyone for making it happen.


- Asher/York and Asher/Johnathon Res stories. Praising one for their success, and praising the other for their failures. Good times.
- Starting the path towards being a Lunar Mage, and the nice IG bits.
- Boy did I not see Runeforge coming. Runeforge=Stone Elf. Stone Elf with red eyes/lips comes to town. Stone Elven letter sent. We just had a Hur Dur moment until he did the "Calling upon my blood" and "Reverse Nitus incant". That was such a cool moment. I was emotionally destroyed when he thanked me.
- Overpowered group with a Rit of WOE cast to kill a newbie vampire. Don't mess with a mage with 4 Cure Morts left!
- Everything Gorka ceremony. Just a fantastic bit of RP by everyone. However...
- The Dryad defend the town mod. Glad we're getting closer to curing the blight!
- Watching Dure'hdel cast the Rit on York's Sword, then having Paul roll the die and seeing that horrifying grin.
- Asher/Gandian discovering...the secret room.
- Casting not one but 2 successful Rituals this event!
- The 3 greater Corrupt messing us up Saturday. Love a good hard fight.
- I admit I didn't do a lot of 1 on 1 interaction that much this game, but I had some good moments with Briar the entire weekend.
- Lovable, yet misguided Bandit Darren or Darrel. I'm way too trustworthy. Side note- seeing Raeker and fighting against Raeker again after a year.
- NPCing the spirit module, as if I don't fight that same group of PCs in Chicago enough :P
WOW just wow...I predicted a butt whooping i just didn't predict that you'd make us pick the switch. Thank you so much to all the NPCs, Plot, Staff, Cooks, and players who made the long drive well worth the effort. Despite the short number of npcs and the difficult event for my character, and several of his buddies, I really had a good time this weekend and wanted to thank everyone who pitched in in any way. So many good things to pick from:

First OOG Things:
-Improvements in costuming were huge from many players bringing in new reps, making new things... this affects the game and it was awesome to see so much improvement.
-I finally got to try Hotdish...this had been promised to me for roughly 2 yrs. I know it wasn't made for me solely but I really appreciated it, and the tavern staff for all their hard work.
-Thanks to Ms. Krebs and Mrs Sletten for their warm welcome for bed space. Sleep is sooo good when your not frozen like an ice cube.
-Andrea- you suffered a heck of a loss in such a rough way but your sportsmanship deserves a nod.
-Fat Kid Car ride and all the shenanigans with Rob D. "You know were gunna eat that sandwhich now right?....ya?..Im so fat"
-My punishment longsword. It was a good weapon but my shoulder hurts now.

Then on to IG Things:

-The Box mod... holy stat card...we almost all died there and the great stick and run rogue combo when Talitha and Fern finally found their groove again. Sweet fighting with my favorite rogue again.
-The ritual of remembrance, hurrying to get there on time...remembering crow, giving a speech and then realizing Thorgrim wasn't there... d'oh :)
-Surly Fern drinking with surlier Gandian..."You're dead to me" the line of the weekend.
-Nenrack fight... it went toe up in about 30 seconds but it was intense. At one point i found myself fighting 2 trolls alone both with an active 70 slay and I had no dodges, parries or tricks in my sleeve and was assured to rez if they got it... i was blocking for all i was worth...thank goodness someone finally got to me.
-Runeforge...oh you have angered a very very determined hobling.
-Breaking down in shadow's light's ward with Duredhel and speaking about oaths... awesome RP Ryan. "There is nothing to see here" *slams door*.
-Running into a field without armor, or backup at 1 body, because the ghost bearer was pulling me out and i didnt want to risk not fixing the compass... i was sure i was going to die until 1/2 the town got there.
-Ritual Marshall time...I'm so sorry guys...great rituals. Loved playing the golem for about 2 minutes.
-Giving up a shield for a life.... felt like a decent trade.
-Playing merchant for a while on Saturday morning, it wasnt a good treasure weekend for me but i still managed to get in the black with the schoolhouse built, the wagon trains moving, working on new deals with Taz and Iggy, I love the system DT has built to allow for some world building, if i played a more pure merchant type character i would really be invested in this more deeply but from what I see its worth it for the RP. On that vein anyone who i worked with on these projects.
-"Magic is cheating... they just cheat weirder than you do"
-Jane's hilarious apology, Reagen and Fern arguing about it 10 minutes later and Fern calling her out on the real reason for her being mad...her denial then...oh yeah your right im not pissed about this but something else...it was a cool argument.
-"Vantage hurt my feeling" That's right no s.
-Gorka having a significant impact on Fern's personality sat evening before she died, I walked around feeling like Hancock for 1/2 the town fight "GOOD JOB!" "THANK YOU" I was so awkward but it was a good lesson and well taught.
-Saturday night fighting was intense, we deserved the butt kicking from all the smack talking. Bad guys have feelings too and we paid a heck of a price for that. I got to be Duredhel's fighting companion, him thanking me for the honor was cool. Trading the reaver back and forth made the fight confusing for the BBGs since they didn't know whether i was gonna swing 15s or 25s...The general and Coatl just refusing to lock blades with me for more than a few seconds at a time was frustrating but kinda cool in a way.
-After the fight while giving the after report to Gandian, i reached in my holster to return Gorka's earth sword and he says to me "Does it come with a Gorka attached?" and I was about to respond "i'm sure it will" when we heard "body reforms one body reforms two..." Both Gandian and Fern's hearts sank...
- Helping to set up the honor guard to respect shadow's light but also involve the town was really a great way to send her off in style. I was frozen solid and could barely stand anymore and i think most people felt the same but everyone did a hardcore job staying in game. I got to say goodbye before getting disjuncted back to the circle to the prince (IE to npc). The short exchange between us was meaningful and appreciated on my part. Thanks Andrea and I look forward to your next toon.
-Getting to play a part as an npc to finalize gorka's time. I did the best i could to make it epic.

Thats all folks... i will try to make the next event as always.

Edit: Forgot to add... saturday night, so intense at one point we were waiting for the general to dissipate and i noticed that steam was coming off of me...I had a bit of a WTF moment.
AllianceCHI said:
-The ritual of remembrance, hurrying to get there on time...remembering crow, giving a speech and then realizing Thorgrim wasn't there... d'oh :)

I'm still feeling a little bit sheepish for missing that... I blame Nowan for accepting to that drinking contest :P.
First off, what a great weekend. Thank you all for bringing our game to what I felt was a new level. Here are some of my favorites! :)

- Seeing friends from Chicago. I wish I could see you more often!
- Troll RP with the NPCs. While we were waiting for you all to come make the bottle trade with us, we engaged in a quite lovely discussion.
- Gandian's reaction to Runeforge. NO! NO NO NO NO NO! :) We love you, Alexander. That was beautiful!
- October is one of my favorite months because of the ritual of remembrance and the spirits. I love the way people remember their friends and it's so fun to see the work people put into helping solve the spirits. Thanks for the fun RP there, guys. And great work on the fire pit, Ethan and Alysha and others who helped!
- Being told the ritual backlashed and what that backlash was then adjusting the rest of the event. I LOVE PC driven plot like that and it's so fun to see YOUR reactions to something that you created and caused.
- Seeing Durehdel fight in his golem! So fun!
- A great conversation with Igneaous about his mines. Can't wait to see where that goes!
- The Salamander mod was equally enjoyable and frustrating. I was extremely moved by Tondra's ability to talk to the salamander mother. :) Ack! So much more I want to say about that mod, but it's totally FOIG. DARN!
- The one mod with <blank> and <blank> and <blank>. VAGUENESS for the win!!! Ya'll shall see......sometime? :twisted:
- Reconnecting with Von Gryphon and Kendra as Alpha. That was much needed.
- RAIN DANCE! 'nuff said. :) :) :) I hope you savages enjoyed it as much as I did!
- Peter, Sarah, Alysha, and the others who helped me with monster camp this weekend. I really appreciated the extra help with counting and packing. It made it TONS easier to get things ready to be moved to the castle.

Finally, Gorka. Stepping outside the tavern and seeing the honor guard set up around the Earth Circle was one of the most moving moments I've ever had playing this game. It was INCREDIBLE RP that really highlights the amazing things our chapter is about. I've heard stories about other chapters and I'm sure they're fantastic, but seeing that made me PROUD to be a member of SoMN. To think that our PCs could be so involved in their characters and be so MOVED by the loss of one adventurer is truly touching and incredible. THANK YOU ALL for creating that beautiful moment and giving Gorka the farewell she deserved.

Ya'll are great. :) Keep being that way. YOU are what makes this game special and for that I thank you. I was beaten down and exhausted by the end of the weekend, but my heart was full because of you guys. :wub2:

All my best!!

G.O.T.S = General Organizer of Things and Stuff
Oh just one small point, but this highlights how awesome this event was.

Seeing the phase pairs crunching as Durthang and at one point hearing an enraged Gandian yelling 'GET OFF MY PLANE!!, activate banish'. Very cool! :thumbsup:
Thenholt said:
I would like to ammend my statement about Gorka's death and sending off. I put it in too few words for an event that singlehandedly opened my character up. Gorka was a huge influence on Vadis and her death is now a singularly powerful driving force for him.

I honestly felt the same way. It was the first and only time I've ever shed tears in any role-playing experience, and I'm sure Gorka's last words to Val will grow to define him in ways I haven't yet foreseen.

Did anyone else notice that the weather provided a perfect atmosphere for us the entire weekend?
Ritual of Remembrance: Bonfire in awesome contrast with snowfall.
The fight against the corrupt I seem to remember being dark and windy, although that may just have been my mind filling in the gaps.
Gorka's ritual: Completely quiet and still, with a clear sky showing billions of stars against a half moon.

So, a big thanks to mother nature for that.

I'd also like to thank all who indulged in gummy bears (mostly Keallit, but I believe Gorka and Anthony also had some).

I don't know much of the history around Jason, but that was a brilliantly frustrating turn of events. I was very much expecting it to happen OOG, but I wasn't sure if saying anything about it would have been metagaming.

A note on something I REALLY didn't like: The fact that we were attacked by spirit shepherds the minute Gorka's spirit decided that she wanted to have a drink with us all before leaving. At that point, both IG and OOG, I was thinking, "I don't particularly give a rat's *** if the tavern is humming with power. THIS. IS. WRONG." I know many PCs will agree with me that that was a very poor decision on the part of the NPCs. Give us some time to wipe the tears away and enjoy the last few moments we have with Gorka in warmth.

I think my favorite parts of the whole weekend had to be the interactions between Kendra and Val, though. First, after the announcement about Kendra becoming a squire, she came outside the tavern and asked Val, "Where's the squire?" Val simply pointed to her and said, "Rrrriiight there." Kendra's expression was priceless.

Next, Val asked if Kendra enjoyed cookies. Kendra: "No, that's farmer's food." Val: "Umm...these cookies aren't...they're special cookies..." OOG, they were gluten-free cookies. Val received 5 gold for them. And then giggled broadly at Kendra's expression when she realized that the cookies had, in fact, "magically" multiplied.

Lastly, I loved when Kendra gave Val an item to remember Gorka by because she did it with such emotion in her voice. She made each item precious regardless of what it was. There were a few moments where Val just stood looking into Kendra's eyes, realizing how very much Kendra cared for Gorka, and wanting to hug Kendra; to offer her some form of comfort. But in that brief moment, I felt like Val recognized a kindred spirit in Kendra, because he could sense that neither one of us could be comforted. We can't just forget our pain; we have to turn it into something we can use to better ourselves. Maybe you had to be there, but to me it was one of those moments where much more was said without the use of words. It was beautiful enough that it almost drove me to tears again.

The entire event was fantastic, and as I already mentioned it was a perfect birthday for me. Thanks to everyone.
Val the Wizard said:
A note on something I REALLY didn't like: The fact that we were attacked by spirit shepherds the minute Gorka's spirit decided that she wanted to have a drink with us all before leaving. At that point, both IG and OOG, I was thinking, "I don't particularly give a rat's *** if the tavern is humming with power. THIS. IS. WRONG." I know many PCs will agree with me that that was a very poor decision on the part of the NPCs. Give us some time to wipe the tears away and enjoy the last few moments we have with Gorka in warmth.
That was part of Gorka's thing. A little more time to warm up would have been nice, but it wasn't just plot saying "Well, Gorka's dead. Time to send out some monsters."
Val the Wizard wrote:
A note on something I REALLY didn't like: The fact that we were attacked by spirit shepherds the minute Gorka's spirit decided that she wanted to have a drink with us all before leaving. At that point, both IG and OOG, I was thinking, "I don't particularly give a rat's *** if the tavern is humming with power. THIS. IS. WRONG." I know many PCs will agree with me that that was a very poor decision on the part of the NPCs. Give us some time to wipe the tears away and enjoy the last few moments we have with Gorka in warmth.

That was part of Gorka's thing. A little more time to warm up would have been nice, but it wasn't just plot saying "Well, Gorka's dead. Time to send out some monsters."

Thanks for clarifying, Kyle. Brent should be the one posting about this, but I think he'll be ok with me stepping in for a second. When a character dies, they meet with plot and discuss how it is going to happen. Everything that the NPCs were involved with was planned with Andrea and the plot staff together. The NPCs just didn't "happen" to appear. It was ALL planned with Andrea's guidance and input. I guarantee you that plot would NEVER be insensitive to a character's permanent death as it is extremely difficult both IG and OOG. It may have seemed odd at the time for the spirit shepherd to appear, but it was all part of the plan and it gave Gorka one more chance to save the town with an epic, epic fight.
one of my favorites was when both the coatl and the unicorn both appeared to do battle that was the first my character saw them togther( though i later heard it wasn't the first time they were togther.), and talking with both Tazoulti and Fern on a venture that could benefit shademarch and the town. there was too many to mention here, and a BIG thanks to the staff and the NPCs.
David Raatz