Oct, event favorites

It was great to see everybody again, and despite what it may have seemed, with there being repeated strikes against Gandian's morale and emotions, I still had a great time out-of-game. As usual, thanks to all the NPCs for doing so much for us (and for letting me jump fence for a while)! Here are some favorites, in no particular order, save for the first two:
  • RUNEFORGE! Alexander has waited years for this to happen, and it finally did. Nothing like having Gandian's personal nemesis show up under his nose, screw up Gandian's world, leave unscratched, then taunt him from afar via ritual. Especially with the vast majority of the town being highly confused what on Earth was happening, especially with Gandian's rage.
  • People's reactions (PCs and NPCs) to Gandian's pent-up-Runeforge-rage tantrum. "No! No, no, no, no, no, no!" Plus, the following spouting of "I should have known" stuff.
  • Ritual of Remembrance. Beautiful, as always. (And getting to use Gandian's catchphrase in my closing speech!)
  • "You're dead to me." :thumbsup:
  • Discovering the secret room with Asher and talking about Lunar magic within it, only to step out and find the whole town getting destroyed by the Spirit Shepherd. Oops.
  • Long night of ritual casting. Good to see that finally get done, as well as see each of our different ritual styles.
  • Seeing Merk again, and surprising Adam by recognizing him on sight before he even did anything.
  • Spell Duel with Sorcerer Oliver.
  • Talking to Jane post-rez. Gandian doesn't even know what to think anymore regarding that guy.
  • Walking around with my Angisu buddy, casually learning all that I could without just a forced interview session. Pity she didn't come on the mod with me... (Also, once again, I LOVE the Angisu masks!)
  • Kendra getting Squired. Have fun!
  • People's comments on the adorable/creepy mini-Golem shell, and Dure'dhel rocking the new golem mask.
  • Hopping fence for a while and playing one of the Line Breakers with Adam. Gandian probably could have helped out a bit on that fight… sorry, folks.
  • I am beyond sad to have Gorka perm, but the RP that it inspired was absolutely incredible. From Gandian and Dure'dhel running back to Gorka's body swearing things in Gorka's name, to getting Gorka into her Earth Circle, to the honor guard ring around the family mourning, to having Asura appear, to having her come back and cheer us all back up one last time, to watching her take down the Spirit Shepherd, it was all incredible. Rarely has everyone been so deeply involved in their RP, and it was really moving. Andrea, you have added so much to this game as Gorka, and so much to our family, and I will miss playing with Gorka.
  • The "looting Gorka blind" session as a family was pretty fun, especially with Kendra reapeatedly leaving to grant Gorka's random stuff to people. "Somehow, I think this shirt might work more for Kendra than me. I'm not sure I have the figure to pull it off..."
  • My Roy-prompted speech about what happened Saturday night, which turned out better than I thought it would. Huzzah for another mention of the catchphrase!
  • Late-night mod in the Pit. Also, before we knew we'd get spirit-stored: "Don't worry, I'll just breathe for you." "I'm not sure golems work that way, Dure'dhel."
  • "I didn't even do anything! Why are you attacking me?!": The return and end of Orville Rito, Mayor of Wendwen. For the second time, y'all just walked into his home and rolled him for no reason. :pinch: Ya'll were so overprepared it was crazy, and I got my face stomped in, but it was still lots of fun.
  • Brent being my vampire's various family members in NPC camp! :funny:

And probably more that I'm forgetting.m
Fantastic event. Kudos to Plot and NPCs for making a few people seem like an unending force and presenting many different scenerios and styles of adventure.
Great RP and combat interaction by all.

Here are some of my favorite moments:

-The Gorka honor guard respecfully showing support but giving the family their space.
-Going berserk, getting cut down and bucked across the battlefield by the unicorn and then revived only to go berserk on my friendly Asher healer - the look on his face was priceless!
-Getting found by Gabriel in the woods behind the tavern where the General hid me for dead in the final seconds of countdown.
-Kendra becoming a squire.
-Fighting along side some of the new players.
-Shooting the Coatle with arrow poison affects and knowing that they were working because of previous teamwork weardown on defenses.
-Killing blow 1, 2, interupted (feign death) stand up killing blow 1, 2, 3 on the unicorn.
-The golem on the battle field
-von Gryphon,"I can't thank you and your people enough for your assistance (on the way to recovering the bottle)"
Jason Runeforge,"Oh it is my pleasure - I assure you..."
-The Food
-throwing javelins- fiiiiiiiive normal
-Rain dance
-interacting with the Alpha
-Jane the Goblin
-The Kobold chief
-Nicholas the tobackie farmer
-The rememberance circle
-pushing through the trolls to get to Fern
-pursuing the troll general in full plate
-reading lips
-doing scherades on the battlefield with Kendra (I was silenced)
-getting to know some of the new players
-The Return of Baroness Shademarch!
von Gryphon said:
Jane the Goblin

I forgot about Jane. He was one of my favorites, too. Don't we all wish we had dudes? :funny:
I just want to say wow…wow…what a rollercoaster of a weekend!!! I want to thank the plot team and all the NPC’s, and even throw a shout out to our fantastic owner who puts on a great game! I had an amazing game; it was worth every penny!

Some of my favorites in no particular order:
- Seeing old friends and getting a chance to catch up with them!
- After two years of work, and waaayyy too many spreadsheets, finally building the GOLEM!!!
- Casting more rituals in 12 hours than I ever have in the whole time I have played Dure’dhel!
- Likewise, calling for a ritual marshal about every few hours…I almost need to rent out my own marshal to have them “on-demand” :D
- I name you Vengeance!
- Running around with Fern harassing the 3 greater corrupt watching them run away from us, it was great to be able to surprise the corrupt for once!
- Fighting all 3 greater corrupt. Even if the ritual caused them to draw near, Dure’dhel already knew on Friday night (and subsequently informed others) that we would be seeing all three before the end of Sat night. Self-fulfilling prophecy or just more wonkiness from my Foresight High Magic? :)
- Tater Tot Hot Dish!
- DE roleplay with Korge, and philosophizing/explaining why the lesser races needed to have a ritual to honor their dead. Its been waaay too long since I have had any other DE’s to roll with, I’m getting to be Mr. Nice Darkelf!
- Even though it completely offended Dure’dhel in game…the whole dark elf green bean thing really entertained Ryan, it was good light-hearted fun…more details to come I am sure :twisted:
- Fighting together with my family!
- Mist cave adventure #2 thinking that I had brought too many people right after remem, when in fact we barely had just enough! Thanks to Adam and Raeker for the fight, you two kept about half the town going there!
- Giving my lecture on Friday night and seeing some PC’s actually listened to me about not taunting the greater corrupt! Maybe you guys aren’t as un-teachable as Dure’dhel thought! 
- Celestial Guild Time! I really enjoy the time we spend together even if we really haven’t done anything about issues other than debate…damn intellectuals…lol
- It is good to see others stepping forward and asserting themselves, especially my apprentice Skye!!!
- Teaching Eldorian about power of celestial magic, it’s a stone bolt not earth bolt! I have a long way to go with that apprentice XD
- Did I mention that it was awesome running around in the Golem for the first time after 2 years of work?!!! :D
- The awesome mask Alexander made for the golem AND the Habasi! You are really talented!
- Seeing how much cooler my Golem was from those puny clay golems.
- Runeforge introducing himself as Jason…no Justin…and both Gandian and Dure’dhel joking with him that it was a good thing he was not named Jason as we would have to roll him right there… XD
- That pit of your stomach feeling when you unknowingly just empowered the big bad…“what did I just do”
- “Don’t worry I’ll breathe for you”
- RP with Fern…”There’s nothing to see here”…*slam*
- RP with Olivie (Oliver) and accidentally slipping after joking with Gandian the night before about it.
- Late night rit casting, Thanks Paul, and a quick apology to Alexander for not catching all of your puns…I did take it all for granite. XD
- Unknowingly getting closure and reconciliation privately with Gorka before she ran off with the wolves for the last time; Dure’dhel knew it was a bad idea, and told multiple people that it was a bad idea, but in the end supported Gorka’s desire to defend those she cared about.
- Gorka’s epic death…that’s two events now where I/Dure’dhel has been overwhelmed with emotion to the point of not being able to control himself.
- It was awesome how the whole town came together as an honor guard even though it was horribly cold. That was the most immersed I have been IG in SMN in a while.
- “You weren’t our sister…you were our mother…”
- The Vampire fight on Sunday…it was a good stress reliever after the intense RP that had been on-going the night before.

There were sooooo many more moments, and I just want to say a big THANKS again for an awesome weekend!!!

Dr_Chill said:
- The awesome mask Alexander made for the golem AND the Habasi! You are really talented!
Thanks, Ryan!

It should be noted, though, that Emilynn actually made the Angisu masks, not me.
Ok this is just Friday so Far...

Thank you to everyone. This I think was my favorite weekend I have ever had at larp. It was the Perfect Perm Weekend. I got to do a lot of things that make Gorka Gorka. I got to see a lot of people accomplish goals and start on new paths and grow in amazing ways. I'm still Crying but I loved it and it was a great way for Gorka to go.

-When ever I was in the tavern it felt like at least three people were wanting my attention asking question, wanting me to go with them, or just joking around

-Giving out a new round of nick names, Gorka had a bad memory and she needed help remembering people Nick names were her way of making sure she could remember and speak about someone. some nick names I remember giving out ; nobody, snowflake, sunny, vendetta, shantiny, Jingly death. I'm sure there is more, thinking back though there was only one nick name for Gorka and only one person called her that, thanks Fern for giving me Gorkster

-Getting to speak at the town briefing for the weekend, I worked hard to know where the life spells are and who has them so we could save lives and I'm glad that Gorka could pass on that knowledge to others to help organza.

-The newbies. I loved taking them out on a badger adventure and teaching them about battle buddies and watching them all fight. I spent that entire mod with a bottle of black cherry soda in my hand and no sword drawn. Thank you guys for protecting me and allowing me to teach you.

-Starting a fire. I loved that I got to start the fire, its something Gorka has done on several occasions, she even got payed a gold for it once. I tried to do it with the flint and steal Vry from the deadlands (Albert from New Hampsire) gave Gorka when they met. It didn't work out too well and I'm glad someone had some matches.

-The Ritual of Remembrance. Getting to remember Crow and to help pass on an item in his memory. Fern did a great speech. And everyone who spoke up about someone. I liked that Garth passed the Ritual over to Gorka to run, Gorka has never been the biggest healer but it was a nice acknowledgment that some times your column isn't what makes you a good healer it more what is inside and that part of healing is of people's spirits and feelings and not just their body. I liked using the color changing dust as part of it, I wish the affect lasted longer but it was still really cool to throw magic into a fire and have affect it.

- All the Permiatly dead spirits and somehow matching up the right people for each job if I couldn't take care of them my self. York's was especially meaningful to see, and it was almost complete chance I got York out there for him. Thanks plot for giving out problems that need RP rather than a sword or spells. That Gorka could sing a spirit to heal them and help them move on was wonderful. I enjoy our October spirit affects.

- Vendetta, such a respectful go getter. He called Gorka Ma'm. It really showed me how far Gorka came in the past 2 and a half years. from this tiny little in affective build character to a Respected wise Healer.
DracoIam said:
- Vendetta, such a respectful go getter. He called Gorka Ma'm. It really showed me how far Gorka came in the past 2 and a half years. from this tiny little in affective build character to a Respected wise Healer.

I apparently need to start playing more towards the character I have in my head (Or rethink him a bit) and not reacting to things the way I naturally would if I'm getting labels like "respectful go getter."
What a wonderful event. Thank you to all that made it happen!!!!

~Fighting beside Tondra during the big Saturday night mod. It worked out so well!
~Jehyu's sacrifice..."Do you except?"..."The spirit is thinking."
~OOG Brent switching the bead colors so for like five seconds we all thought Dave pulled another 10%.
~The Dryad mod. Briar and I thought we were going to the earth circle for sure.
~Making Jehyu Rai. Sorry Kit drinking each others blood it taking it to far.
~Getting dominated and being backpacked by the Coatl. That was AWESOME.
~Being berserked and getting tackled by Gabriel.
~My heated discussion with Fern.
~Trying to get Mama Bird to let me put a Ward on the kitchen.
~Fighting beside Briar. That happened so much this weekend.
~Ashers ritual when everyone started talking really loud. I almost started yelling at everyone to be quiet right in the middle of it :pinch: I thought for sure he might fail.
~Spending more time with people that I usually do not get to spend time with.
~Benjimens cupcakes. Nom nom nom
~RP with Keallit.
~The Box mod RP. It was hard watching Roy die slowly and not being able to do anything about it.
~Dream mod Saturday night...lol that was just silly.

There are many more. I can't wait to see you all again soon.