October 18-20th Pre-reg Open

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
Announcing Registration for our October 18th - 20th Weekend Event
The price for this event will be $40, and anyone who registers will get 50 goblin stamps and a full boat of protectives at game on just for doing it!
You can do that by going to our website traversecitylarp.com and using the registration link which will take you to the new CMA database.! It is simple and easy and helps us determine treasure among many other things, so please help us out!​

Please check the following before you pre-reg:
  • Your character is correct and you have spent any available build you want to.
  • If you have Spells please create a memorization list to use with your pre-reg.
Logistics Details:
Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm on October 14th, 2019.
Please send the following information to: traverselogistics@gmail.com.
  • Inform Logistics of any temporary tags you need to trade in for permanent ones.
  • If you have High Magic and/or Production provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.
  • Any Goblin Stamps you wish to spend and how you want to spend them.

Site Information:

Camp Hayo-Went-Ha
919 North East Torch Lake Rd
Central Lake, MI 49622

Who All Is Coming?

Names in red did not meet the deadline for the bonus rewards but thank you very much for pre-regging!!

Pre-Registered PCs:
  1. Scott Mallow - Shakiis
  2. Matt Waller - Arai
  3. Dakota Reisor - Spark
  4. Aaron Smalley - Tua
  5. Travis Gilshire - XXI
  6. Jocelyn Davis - Anya
  7. Becki Smalley - Zena
  8. Matthew Byers - Maxwell
  9. Anique Puckett - Princess
  10. Victor Dueweke - Nomm
  11. Mia Long - Kasha
  12. Aidon Byers - Eragon
  13. Damien Puckett - Kunzio
  14. Jared Kraft - Mavock

Pre-Registered NPCs:
  1. Cory Walker
  2. Brigit Convery
  3. Taed Price
  4. Joe Convery
  5. Carol Phillips
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Announcing Registration for our October 18th - 20th Weekend Event

Please check the following before you pre-reg:
  • Your character is correct and you have spent any available build you want to.
Had a couple of questions that I sent you a message through the forum system and an email about in regards to myself and my wife creating characters for this event. Hadn't heard anythi g back, so just wanted to make sure you received them? Thanks in advance for your guidance and assistance.
Had a couple of questions that I sent you a message through the forum system and an email about in regards to myself and my wife creating characters for this event. Hadn't heard anythi g back, so just wanted to make sure you received them? Thanks in advance for your guidance and assistance.
Sorry again for the delay. Please let me know if you need any more help.
Its not a problem. I know that you are busy. I think I have my character figured out, other than what he can start with. You had mentioned that you would check on that for me the other evening when we were chatting on Discord and get back to me later.

I did purchase 2 ranks in Blacksmith (for the leather "manufacturing" capabilities since I've chosen Dryad as my race) as well as two ranks in Craftsman (Forester and Hunter) for the extra funds that it will generate and because of my personality/background plans with him.